
Berkeley is great! Congratulations!! Am I allowed to ask which program or is that too stalkery?
I'd so much rather use that than the Reddit I set up as Reddit sucks. I was looking for not horrible things to link to and even the knitting group had gross stuff on it. NSFW-rated knitting? Really?
I can't make a .gif so here is a link to my dog's reaction to the last Petting Zoo. Holy crap, this video now has over 8,000 hits. People are weirdos. Also, sorry I filmed it the way that I did, I was very new to iPhones at the time.
p.s. The origin story of "one animal video" is really funny. Hahahahahaha, suck it Ghost Gabe. (#RIPNEVER4GET)
I would donate money to this. Also congratulations on getting into the program!!! Where are you going?
I sing that song too Chris Trash. I also sing a lot of Flight of the Concords songs to my boy. Or the theme to Mr. Plow. Anything catchy, really, that works well with subbing in puppy, fur, kissyface or general dog-based words.
I love this feature so much and I will be incredibly sad to not get new videos on Wednesday, when I usually need them the most. I don't even know where I'm going to go to decompress from my work at short moments at a time. I keep looking at other blogs and sites with seething contempt (except Cute Overload but they barely write in English and Daily Puppy and they tend to push pure bred dogs more than I would care to see). The content and original writing on Videogum has always been superb and the people are all so lovely. I don't want to be more active on Facebook as that gets data mined to hell. Same with any normal social network. Hell even Google Chat will make targeted ads based on conversations I have with friends. And most blogs involve a Facebook plug-in now, plus the comments make me very annoyed. Even other pop culture and comedy blogs tend to read like they were just reposting press releases. I will miss the goofy supernatural stuff and Kelly's lists of all the things to pack when we need to get ready for big news. I'll even miss Kelly's infatuation with spiders. Kelly, please promise us that you will put a post on all kinds of social media so that we can follow you and your wit to other sites. Whenever you write for McSweeney's, I get emails from friends and coworkers asking if your fantastic pieces are done by the girl who runs the blog that I'm always linking to and passing to friends. I just really really really enjoy my cyberfamily that I have made here -- some of which I know and love in real life. There were so many things I was looking forward to discussing in the upcoming months - Veronica Mars, X-Men 70s, assorted art heist movies, Game of Thrones, puppies, ghosts, wine, Kate Middleton's hair and future dresses of longer skirt length, sandwiches, moon gin -- and I hope we find a place to see each other. This being said, maybe I will get a polar bear cub to keep me busy when I'm taking a small break from work. Or continue to hide things just out of reach from my beagle lab mix so I get the same reaction as this little dude in the video.
His parents are so charming.
I thought it was funnier than others, so I liked it.
People do this with cell phones? No wonder I hate concerts now.
I really loved this season. Also I am livid this site is dying and other Spin entities do not seem to be. Go eat a bowl of forks, Spin.
I'm pretty sure this was his Peace Corp essay.
SPINCANSUCKIT is the only anagram I can see. Also if garbage sites with low user/fan interaction get to live and ... Buzzfeed, you erode actual writing and journalism one stupid quiz / listicle at a time. I hated you before, but I LOATHE YOU NOW.
I tried to be clever and pithy and welled up.
If anyone knows how to moderate a site or whatever or WANTS to moderate a thingy, let me know. I just added a functionality that should allow you to put your VG name next to your Reddit name if it is unavailable. I am Misterpuppy over there. To be honest, I would so much rather not be on that platform but at least now no one else can lay claim...
p.s. If it is all proprietary to Spin, including user comments, can we all say that we wrote freelance for Spin Media? Asking for 14-year-old me.
Would buying the .net or .biz URL and moving the existing WordPress platform over to that be an option or is the platform itself and logos and images and content all proprietary to SPIN? Would we be able to mirror it and make it self-maintaining and not violate copyright or IP laws? Could it just get moved to so that it's self-hosting and the enormous bandwidth is not an issue? Asking for a friend.
He's really cute. Really cute. Like a dumb Timothy Olyphant cute.
I started reading the LOST recaps and started posting when I got a day job outside of media. It was a safe place to talk about my love of television and pop culture stuff with very smart and funny people. Just before I read this post, I got a call for an interview for a very fancy gig that would probably mean that I wouldn't get to post much anymore as I doubt I would get to work from home and call my own hours. So what I'm saying is that this is probably my fault and I'm really really sorry.
Me too. I hope Gary can save this blog. If anyone can... it's him.
I taught a class on the Simpsons at a fairly nerdy college and that place overwhelms me with its "I know more about useless crap about pop culture" pissing contests. -- Done. At the very least, no one else can have it.
Kelly, you are my favorite writer.
That better goddamn happen.
People who want to get internet famous from their kids are gross.
I'm watching this new show Veronica Mars. I think some of you might like it... Artemis is going to be the one to beat. Puppy Bowl Locker Room Feed.
My childhood dog had his head stuck in a large box of diet coke with one can left in the box. Every time he tried to get out of the box, the can would hit him. :( My dad found him sitting in the corner in shame. Poor little Sailor.
I would like to read it. I am and forever will be a giant American Studies nerd. Chair of my department in college, yo. I read stuff like this FOR FUN.
You just reminded me of how Butterball got on Santa Paws naughty list for being a hungry, growing puppy and I got all mad at the Santa Buddies movie again. Not A Christmas Puppy level of mad, but putting Butterball on the naughty list is bullshit. Princess and B-Dawg are really selfish, awful Buddies and they could really use a solid holiday-grade reality check.
I'm glad you all are safe. That stuff looks brutal.
Everything is covered in ice and they didn't have salt or sand or other means to make the roads safe. Plus many people don't know how to drive in those conditions as it wasn't part of the driving lessons so that makes it all the worse. I'm fantastic at bad winter driving (childhood in Wisconsin, yo) and I won't use my car in Portland when we get 2-3 inches for the same reasons. And also because I could just walk.
I am way too excited about the trailer of the Nic Cage adaptation of the Left Behind series that was released today. I know I should be all "relax baby, it's modern times" but no. This is going to be amazing.
We can't prove he isn't right. Did ancient travelers from another world visit him while he was writing and provide him with tips? Or did he write about nonsense while high on H2 (the network, not helium) and beer? You literally have no way to find out!!
And that's where you're wrong Facetaco, RHCP have been on the steady decline since 1992. BloodSugarSexMagik was too overproduced and overplayed and eroded the good works the band had done before.... A concert today is a pretty sad place. So you either are going to have to live each day like your rocking last or make room for JAZZ!!!