
Fun fact: Vanilla Ice is not wearing make-up.
It took me about 10 minutes to figure out how to tie my shoes the incorrect way. I've been doing it correctly, yet my shoes STILL constantly come untied. BULLROAR.
Good points, Gabe. Counter point:
"Taste my salty soup." Please say the innuendo was unintentional.
The best thing about the horror story that is Elizabeth Gilbert: her ex-husband Michael Cooper also got a book deal to write about his year of coping with divorce by doing the exact opposite thing, dedicating himself doubly to humanitarianism and human rights (he already did work in this area). However, the book was canceled when he refused his publisher's demand to make the book "racier." Please, 2012, come faster. Please.
Zuckerberg, age 8:
I don't understand. Is she saying I shouldn't get an abortion to get revenge if the baby steals my boyfriend?
I bet the producers are really regretting passing over Dave Coulier for the lead right about now. "I will do anything you ask me to." -Jason Alexander
Oops, just saw it mentioned in the original post. Who's the Forrest Gump now? (Me, that's who.)
The biggest star of all: Michael Conner Humphreys, the actor who played young Forrest Gump!
"Yeah, I'd like to buy a book. The Single Girl's Guide to Meeting European Men. No, no, no, it's for my sister. No, I do not have the Internet so I order things on the phone."
After 5 years someone had to have told him that the Ace Ventura haircut is a bad look, right? Oops, nope!
Counterproof to everything he believes is: white people are the only race stupid enough to give their children a Prince Valiant haircut.
I feel bad for Joe, but I feel worse for Brokencyde. Joe had to hear them play once. Brokencyde has to hear their own music every night.