
Q: Why was 68,496 afraid of 68,497? A: Because 68,497 ate ('EIGHT!!') 68,499! #perfect
Hey Steve, quit ripping on Alan so much! Sure Alvin's video is a little ridiculous, but at the end of the day, there is some semblance of a code for how friendships should be conducted, and ripping on him on the internet while he's trying to clear his name violates that code for sure! Stop being a shitty friend and/or if you really like seeing him uncomfortable so much own up to it and don't call yourself his buddy. With that said, Hey Alan! Sorry this got picked up by videogum and they are dissing you, sorta, that is not fun I bet. I hope you can take it in stride and realize there is nothing personal in all the commentators jokes, we don't know you and I'm sure you are a basically good guy, we are just having fun with the video. Anyways, it was nice of you to pop in here and interact with us, have a good one bud.
Hmm, I'd say if it is reacting to the movie in some excited way, great, but that isn't the kind of talking I ever encounter. A few weeks ago I went to see 'Tree of Life' and an old lady couple came in some 20 minutes late, talked loudly about where to sit, and then spent the rest of the movie loudly asking "what is this?" and (amusing, though still disruptive) "is this a movie?" NOT FUN On a lighter note, when I saw one of the tobey maguire spiderman movies, there was a kid who had made almost no significant noise throughout the whole thing and about an hour into yells really loudly "look mom, its spider man!" apropo of nothing. Like he wasn't paying any fucking attention the whole time but now he is and he is INTO IT!
Someone got a new commenter meme!
So, did anyone see 'The Trip'? It was so great and surprisingly touching. Lets talk about 'The Trip'!
PUA: Hey girls, me and my boys just got back from vegas where we just pulled a major caper and we are celebrating like its the end of Oceans 11 girl: Like you robbed a casino? or committed a crime of some sort, that is what a caper is, no? (PUA slumps away defeated)
I've been waiting for the show to come back for so long. It really was like nothing else, literally everything that camera captured in those 2 seasons was absurd and amazing.
all week, every week
Yeah I saw this whole episode as well and me and my grandma got into an extended discussion (again) about how nerves is the biggest enemy of any Jeopardy contestant and how once you see the adult players start nervously shaking their buzzer they are essentially in the same flustered mind-state as Neil. The saddest part of the night is when some question was asked about when some part of the constitution was added, and the correct answer was "the Bill of Rights" and Neil's answer was "Congress" and it was so sad cos that is just a bad answer! Also, during the credits the parents came up and Niel parent's were hugging him and stuff and my grandma goes "What are they so proud of him for?" :(
Yay, send me my cologne so I can go to barbecues this summer and smell like everything!
Maybe this is a WHAM joke that I don't get, but lets assume it is not and I will tell you it is great and you should watch it!
I like how angry the guy who was hit got. After the bikes were separated he's just super upset and throwing a fit and the first guy is all "I'm sorry, its not like I did it on purpose, lets just keep racing" and the second guy is all "no, its over, my day is ruined!" On a related note, I think motorstelevision should hire me to commentate for these races, cos I think I have some real insight into the drama of bike racing and why people watch it in the first place and what they're looking for in professional bike race commentary.
Honestly, the question of whether circumcision is something one should do to a child does bother me a bit, cos I know my main argument for is that I don't want my kid to have something that looks different than mine and whose upkeep is a mystery to me (there's upkeep to an uncircumcised penis, right?).
"That's a good question, but we did not get any answers" - a Journalist
I don't want to ruin anyone's good time, but honestly this new idea for a weekly feature doesn't seem too appealing to me. If there are to be GIFs on this site (and by all means I think there should be, to some extent) I'd prefer them in context, following the articles they are relevant to, or else as a response to something in the comments. Maybe it speaks to the quality of 'GIFs-for-comedy' as a whole but this page just had a lot of things one after the other where responses were mainly "yup, that is a small clip of a thing that happened this week".
So this Michael Shannon guy ISN'T Ray Liota? Learn something new everyday, I guess.
I'm confused why "The Invention of Lying" has been suggested (and highly upvoted ,at that!) as a nominee for the past few iterations of the hunt and still has yet to be included. Did Gabe ever give a reason on a previous inaugural WMOAT post explaining why it is ineligible, or is it just on the backburner? Anyways, would love to see that movie get the treatment eventually, it definitely has something to it that makes me legitimately annoyed in a way only a good WMOAT nominee can.
Seth killed it. I love the joke about Trump sounding like a know-it-all down at the OTB. Truth in comedy!
This is my favorite new meme by far. Lovin' it!
OK so, this exists already?