
This is gonna be your little niece or nephew
Nothing weird just testing if i know how to post images without nobody noticing how weird this is.
I was really worried I wouldn't have anything to do for the last fifteen minutes of work. This is actually really engaging, i'm pretty invested in this parking business.
Today is the longest, most boring day ever. I drew lizards and ate cereal for most of the morning. I just spent 30 minutes walking around CVS to kill time until I can punch out in the office. I bought vitamins for my hair, skin and nails!
You deserve a raise you model employee! Too bad no one will ever know :(
Surprisingly, I didn't know about it until I woke up to go to work. If I hadn't checked news apps and work e-mail I would've stupidly gone into Boston and then gotten stuck there.
At first i thought closed Dunkies in Watertown were a sign of the apocalypse. Thank you for letting me know that everything is going to be ok.
Yeahh i'm of the opinion that once you start embracing the "joke" so much that you build it into your everyday conversation and wardrobe (sheeeeeesh) it's probably not a joke anymore. It's an acceptable way to voice their budding discovery that they do indeed hate ladies.
Donald Trump is king dbag, he has absolutely no redeeming qualities and no empathy for humans. He doesn't take the cake, he stole the cake and threw it in a dumpster.
I take issue with people treating Facebook as a link to God. That is the most bizarre thing I've seen. People continuing to send messages to deceased friends and family members, one person I know of has an active Facebook wall FIVE YEARS after he died. Maybe when you die your Facebook should link to grief counseling after a year.
Boston love, buddy. I offer you something kinda funny to hopefully make you laugh when shit is scary. On my way out of work (four stops away from Copley) there were all these spooky abandoned trains and i felt really weird. But then all the BU and BC kids were piss drunk and playing ass-grab. Terrorism can't get college kids down!
Oh!! And my guy picked me up from work so i didn't have to deal with the train, and let me drive his Golf to my place to get clothes! It is very fun to drive.
I woke up at 6:27 and I needed to leave the house by 6:30. Somehow, I caught my commuter rail train anyhow. Then the green line was ridiculously delayed. I got to work 12 minutes late which means I have to leave 12 minutes later than I usually would, which guarantees I'd miss my commuter rail train home. I felt pretty grumpy. But then it turned around! I figured out a trick to make it look like I got a lot more calls than I did and overall increase our response rate. The secretary let me take my blood sugar for fun. Someone agreed to cover my shift on Monday so I can go to my real job. I got the rental application for the apartment that will fix my commute problems. And then the icing on the cake - my shift on Sunday at the fun job was changed from an evening (3-11:30) shift to a split (11-7:30) shift. Meaning I have to do NOTHING except an arts and crafts group. Things are lookin up!!!
Boo that lady is horrible! Hopefully this vindictive retail story makes you smile a bit: I worked at Old Navy for a longgg time in college and i literally made bad customers pay for sucking so bad. The last year I worked there I started giving almost everyone 10% off every purchase (supposed to be for people who do the surveys, cashier code 893). I would price adjust stuff willy nilly. I gave people SO MANY free accessories - not necessarily on purpose, i just forgot to scan them then i'd throw them in the bag at the end. If you were a dick, you had to pay full price. I would take the time to call old navy corporate to ensure that i had the "right price" (corporate comes up with absurdly high prices for items). Anyway that woman probably got screwed over at many other stores because she's so disgusting. I bet all her friends hate her and she is desperately alone in this world.
Enjoy your Patriots Day...I work for two Partners hospitals, one of which considers Monday a holiday and the other one doesn't. Except the one that calls Monday is a holiday originally scheduled me, which is awesome because they pay me overtime AND it would've been holiday pay. SO MUCH MONEY. It's my side job so it would've been fun, too! But my stupid real job thinks Monday is a normal work day. Stupid! Not fair! And real job is IN the city, fun job is in the suburbs! Ridiculous. Sorry. But seriously, enjoy your Patriots Day and long weekend.
My parents went through security and then boarded a flight with the Dropkick Murphys. Still not sure how they recognized them, as no one in my family cares about the Dropkick Murphys. Nonetheless my starstruck mom kept texting me about it until they took off.
My neighbor my freshman year was filthier than any boys' room I ever saw. My friend created a safety zone by lofting her bed and draping a sheet so she could keep one area clean. Otherwise, the other chick had all kinds of filth lying around. I once found a week-old bowl of cool whip sitting on a windowsill, next to a bowl of spit out nut shells. Mounds of clothing and odd things (a violin which SHE DIDN'T EVEN PLAY) regularly avalanched all over the place. She's the only person I know who actually failed room inspections because the room was a health hazard.
I lost it on that one because i'm pretty sure i said that exact sentence when i was in middle school. SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE. Uppity tampon users.
My boyfriend hates Mad Men but he watched it with me because I watched Hardcore Pawn with him. I feel like his response and sweeping generalizations are pretty accurate. Response to Pete: "Fuck that guy!" When I told him the character's name, for some reason his next sentence was "Everyone named Pete is either a Zionist or an asshole." Which I struggled to disagree with because I only know sucky Petes. Feel free to correct me. Joan: "Damn, she is really really stacked." Megan: "Is he cheating on her?" (My response: "Maybe. Not sure yet.") Roger: "Is he a douchebag?" "He's actually pretty funny." He was also horrified by the abundance of plaid and sweater vests.
While not as hip or cool as yours, I had my own variation for a lonnng time. For some reason the name "Ben" totally baffled me, so I called him "Uncle Bean Head," and did so until i was 9 years old.
Watching this video made me have one of those burps that precedes a barf. Playgrounds these days have all kinds of weird contraptions. Goddamn critters runnin around my back yard thinkin all those barrels is toys.
I can't possibly defend celebrity culture and our fascination with it, but i like it because it numbs my brain. When i used to get home from work after seeing really messed up stuff and felt really stressed out and sad, and had to go back to the same environment in 6 hours, trashy gossip was like intellectual heroin. It just shut down all the misery and worry, and let me get involved in tiny snippets of information that could amuse/horrify me because i was too depressed to focus on an actual book. I guess my point is that my fascination with celebrity culture is nothing to be proud of, but i'm pseudo-addicted.
Am i going to get fired for reading this at work
koko apple love all ball munch strong you are my #1 videogummy
I've been stressing over my new job, where I have to call really old people and ask them if they're still alive and if they've had a heart attack recently. But imagining that all the confused/angry old people are like this in their real life makes it SO MUCH EASIER.
I thought it was going to be the same director as Thankskilling, after he settled down and had a family.
Weren't the "reaction shots" just clips from awards shows past? Cuz they were wearing different dresses in the alleged reactions.
Now that we know the White House orchestrates the Oscars (thanks for clarifying, Michelle!), we can officially start a petition for Tim and Eric to host the Oscars. If you thought Seth MacFarlane had dead-end time-waster jokes, you ain't seen nothin yet!
I really detest that everyone says lay miser ah bluhhhh like they know French don't lie to me everyone.
Imagine all the gif-able shots of Joaquin Phoenix we should've had.
The Notebook is for wussies and poor people. Haneke does not play that wussy garbage.
Michael Haneke Michael Haneke Michael Haneke Michael Haneke come onnnnnnn this is for all of his movies in my eyes step it up
Adele is the anti-Anne Hathaway