
I have seen the Hip about ten times. Watching Gord on stage is like watching a hummingbird; he rips around, improvises slam poems during instrumentals, constantly wiping his brow with a hankerchief. Watching him perform, you'd think that energy could never be stopped. This news is gutting. These are going to be emotional final shows. "Downie has four kids. When an artists make the conscious decision to share their last days with their fans, it’s such an astonishing act of generosity that it frankly boggles the mind." This is right on. Incredible.
True enough I suppose
Whoops, I mean 6000 voters.
Drive is cool as fuck (maybe my favourite of 2011) but like Gabe said before, it has really nothing to say. Melancholia has things to say but it does not havet any kind of wide appeal, which is kind of needed for an academy of approximately 3000 voters. It's a niche art movie, face it. Fassbender was great but that NC-17 rating in Shame kills it.
Why can't a silent film be great? Talkies aren't necessarily better. Especially this year.
Predictions or your own personal choices?
I'm going to watch Louie's new special really soon (can hardly wait), all indications are that its great. Thoughts on it? I highly recommend reading the AMA he did today on reddit. Some of his answers are just great, honest, and hilarious.
ew what a gross gabeisode
does this mean you won season 6 on dvd?
This six-year old:
Was that TREAT YO SELF reference intentional?
Man I watched the pilot and I thought it was absolutely vile. Just over-cooked cliches about the suburbs and bullying. It got better I guess?
The lights go out on you too
Yes wertrew, I LOVE how Jeff, our ostensible hero from season 1, is as kind of turning unlikeable. He has more similarities to Pierce than anyone else, he is incapable of having fun, and the rest of the group would have more fun without his sarcasm and need to be cool. What a great concept for a network tv comedy!
No internal logic. She's pretty. Therefore, plenty of logic otherwise.
Good points, both peeps and waiting! funny show! and the transition has gone better than expected, I agree. BUT putting Andy in that roll is kind of a cop out, because he has Hangover under his belt AND because e basically played Michael Scott: buffoonish, not really doing any work, but ultimately caring deeply about the people in the office and making a big speech to bring them all together. But yes, funny show! stop the pretentious analysis Bill!