
Actually, Ezra Pound probably would have loved his analogy! What with his raging antisemitism.
I understand logically that it's dead, but a part of me screams "It's still moving! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" And I imagine that part of me might be kind of resistant to the idea of putting it near my mouth.
Oh, right! I'd mostly forgotten who actually did it. Bob's super creepy face is eternally seared into my brain though, so it's no surprise I always think of him as the culprit.
Oh God, I broke the internet talking about Bob. I'm probably going to have nightmares now.
Yeah, I was wondering the other day if Twin Peaks would have upset me too, had I not been able to jump from straight from season one on DVD to season two. Season two really sagged in the middle anyway, but at least you didn't have to wait a week to find out what happened next.
Did Lynch know beforehand? I read somewhere that Bob only emerged as a character when Lynch saw the prop guy standing behind a dresser and thought he looked really creepy. None of which changes the fact that Twin Peaks is incredible and The Killing stinks, but you know.
You don't get to 500 million dances without making out with a few preachers' daughters.
Ah, MA. That explains the part where he says "This is ah time."
Probably a few people argued against it, but they were Potterless to stop it.
My only experience with Legoland came one night last week when I couldn't sleep and spent about twenty minutes looking through a friend's Legoland photo album on facebook. It was truly the most boring twenty minutes of my life. Maybe it's fun if you're not an adult/are seeing it in person? 1. Please don't smoke in bed. 2. Please don't participate in high-stakes gambling rings. Maybe you should have kept reading, Tobey!
Agreed. Nobody says, "I would love to just empty my bank account and donate it all to the next down-on-his-luck dude I see in the street, except my dog can't live off anything but organic, grain-fed chicken..." Not that I think it's right that we fetishize our pets and treat them better than people. But I also see pets as something of a public health boon. They increase happiness by decreasing stress (and all those icky stress-related health consequences). Which, in turn, puts less pressure on our public health care system. So...? Complicated.
Oh, bad language apologies. I don't mean to sound so aggressive. It's just that I'm so very educated.
Any time I see a privileged, young, white, asshole acting like he's so fucking hardcore he can handle anything, I like to imagine I am operating some kind of galactic crane. And that I can just pick him up by the back of his shirt crane-game style and transport him all the way to some war-torn, fucking psychotic place. Like, hey guy! You think you're badass? Try some Libyan rebellion on for size!
And now Weiner can begin his descent into Jerry Springer style infamy! Remember when that guy was a full-of-potential politician who tanked his whole career with some seriously bad decisions?
I can speak from experience. A person would pretty much have to be crazy to get all the useless degrees I've got! But on the plus side, it makes for a great conversation starter on the train.
I'm super late to the party. Still, I'd like to point out that Vancouver might be "Canada's team" or whatever, but the Bruins technically have more Canadian players. So... chill out, Vancouver? We're still pretty good at hockey!
Didn't anyone tell him that Newtonian physics has no satisfactory explanation for quantum mechanics or nuclear physics and that, as a model for the universe, it's mostly been supplanted? Ashton's been punk'd!
Wait, I thought it was 12 years! Time to get your story straight, spambot, before we start to doubt your credibility.