
suddenly my stupid job feels much more like a job. i will miss this place so much. rip.
those bastards can take our trampoline accidents, but they can never take our friendly chats with each other!
i saw a baby on the street the other day. how come he isn't on this list?!
i never got to tell this story because it happened after this column stopped running, but I sat next to Topher Grace on an airplane last year! In coach! He was very nice, let me have the window seat, worked on a horror comedy script and watched the movie Finding Nemo. Then he took a nap. So that's what was up with Topher Grace that one day last year. Thanks for your time!
this is probably my favorite post on this entire website.
i would love to see a round-up of some of the dare posts from a while ago (today show, steve wilko show, hollywood tour, etc)
Eight Crazy Mondays
thanks!! yeah should be ok weather, other than a chance of rain, which is much better than a chance of snow.
i started running a few months ago to give myself something to instead of work, go home, watch tv, drink gin, and go to sleep. i didn't think i would keep up with it, but i did! and i actually really like running! And I know this isn't today, but on Sunday is my first real race. It was supposed to be a 5K, but they changed it to a 5 mile race, so I've been training a lot. But it's been so cold in NYC that it's been hard to keep a schedule. But i am, let me tell you, so super excited to run this race on Sunday! Some friends are coming to the finish line and we are going to eat after and it will just be fun! So now I just have to try and not fall on any ice between now and Sunday. Spandex!
oh my gosh kelly that was so good!
this whole special blew my mind. and then when i went to touch my head to feel my blown mind, it wasn't there. it was in my back pocket, where david blaine left it!
i don't watch this show, so i'm just going to believe that she has become superhuman.