
you guys' comments are too clever for me.
i got your salute your shorts reference. so wipe that frown off your face.
"Can you feel my penis tonight?" -The Lioin King
whoops, I guess Gabe already covered this territory. my bad. how's this: "What's the most you ever wagered on a game of paper, rock, scissors?" -Anton Chigurh
you are good.
Gabe, you say "drunken frat boys in desperate need of a catchphrase" as if you aren't aching for one as well. VERY NIIICE.
So he didn't give you a dirty sanchez?
while obviously terrifying, this is my favorite progression of tags on a blog post, ever.
"That was so fucking hot." --Michael Jackson Too soon?
don't forget your sandwiches.
The government is building these ships.
From the mind of El Diablo (Cody)...
Aquatic Rescue vessel, Kevin coSner stretch?
I just want to know what A.R.K.S. stands for. Fill us in, Gabe.
Sarcasm, I'd like you to meet my friend briewer -- briewer, Sarcasm. And for the record, no I have not seen Transformers. I rented it with my roommate but we couldn't make it through more than halfway.
Isn't there a sequel to this movie? I thought in order to make a sequel, you have to have an undeniable piece of art to begin with. RAPE ART.