
This episode had lesbians and black people. Something Mad Men hasn't seen since season 2. Slattery did a really good job and I really enjoyed this episode so i don't have anything better to say. Secretly I'm harboring a severe crush on Lane Pryce and I'm trying to figure out how wrong the relationship would be with my age (answer: VERY.)
This episode was a...hell of a lot worse than usual. By the time the end rolled around I was crying from laughter via confusion. I knew that the show was bad when I started watching and I knew I would see Anna Paquin's tits more than I have seen my own and creepy vampire sex with her ugly-ass vampire boyfriends but at this point I REALLY don't know why I watch the show.
I actually like this because Ben was one out of the five things I liked that season. I kind of just pretend that the island killed season 6.
SPOILERS!!!! they won't
Can't way to arrive to the selected movie theater on my segway and see this.
I've seen Michael Cera lose his virginity in every single one of his movies so really, I know.
I think people are actually interested because I for one like seeing semi-grown ass white men fight about money. It's fun. But really it's how the "creator" of facebook isn't really the creator and he stole ideas and maybe it'll just be an hour and thirty minutes trashing him? Who knows. It looks fun if only for how curly haired Justin Timberlake is again.
Haha, I was going BRENDA SONG???? the whole time. Glad I wasn't the only one that noticed it...embarrassing..
Since I happen to be a woman and black, I'll pass. The first tape almost made me cry (all jokes aside: I can't really listen to explicit violence against a woman) so I just hope he gets swallowed into a black hole and Oksana can get lots of money for her, her fake tits, and her kid.
Yes! Brings me back to the Dirty Pop days...
This is why am glad I got rejected from Harvard.
I don't know why but I'm actually surprised at how bad that was.
He's not rela. He and Juju fake bumped uglies cause he had to deal with his daddy issues and "killing" Juliet. Whatever, lol. I'm done.
Also, for me it was not all about answers. That's not the point. But I'm sorry, that ending was a huge cop out for me. It doesn't mean I don't love lost because I do and I will always (IT IS NOT MY CHILD THIS IS SO SAD) but that was not satisfying and it's pretty clear they hadn't planned this from the beginning.
It's not only that though. I loved Sawyer/Juliet. I loved the reunions, it killed me. But that is not what I was expecting nor should it have been. We wasted a whole incredibly underwhelming season and guess what? They're all dead. It's not like some super twist; it's fucked up. I'm really disappointed and angry and I am so glad I haven't been watching for six years but it hurts (? it's a tv show that's kind of bad language lol)
I agree and it makes me upset. It was not ok.
I felt ripped off and I feel robbed (ROBBED!!!!) betrayed angry hurt etc Idk :(