
Confession Time: I WUZ rally a skwirrel.
Drink every time Andy Daly gives a reads a line devoid of any humor but actually makes it funny because he's Andy Daly (if I am to believe the trailers, I'll get wasted on this one).
I don't know why this story in particular has broken my two year streak of not commenting (except for that one day Becca guest-blogged), but it has. I voted. Yay for nerds coming together and making good things happen for people who deserve it.
Great jobskies Beccaskies! Sorry I didn't comment more, but these monsters are straight scary and I'm afraid they're going to straight ridicule me.
UNFUNNY COMMENT ALERT: Everyone should check out Street Gang. It's a nonfiction book about the formation of the Children's Television Workshop. Really good. AND A LIBERAL CONSPIRACY!
Now now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Did we all see how the end of the video features a screencap of the CBS website asking to send in shirtless photos? It happens at 3:06. Which means at 3:06 Chicago time (which is the only city that goes by Illuminati (capitalized out of respect) time), dozens of shirtless NWO agents will be spraying "chemicals" quietly in the bushes of Lincoln Park. You can tell who they are by their knit caps, heavy coats, and cardboard signs warning us of this apocalypse. Godspeed to you all.
I see how this works. You spend all this time BEGGING me to PLEASE comment on your lowly little blog to see that I don't even get a paragraph in it? For shame Becca, for shame!
Gabe, you took the words right out of my mouth.
"Give me a Gob" "Gob!" Oh Michael used to be so cute....
Good thing there were no Billy Mays references, or there would be no movie left.
I'm not neccesarily mourning over Billy Mays loss, but I absolutely cannot STAND Vince Offer (aka the Shamwow guy) and I know that people are going to make him the new "pitchguy". Billy Mays at least had some class.
It's nice to know that the sardonic bloggers we count on for woof's and farts also have a tender side. Gabe, we'll be here for you if you need anything, promise :)
First of all, I just want to make it clear that I'm in no way crying, because, I mean come on....of course I'm not crying. So, now that's covered. Definitely not crying. Didn't start wanting to cry about halfway through and then, whence realizing how ridiculous that it was, actually start crying. So, that's completely out of the question. If this were facebook, you'd probably be asking us to leave a favorite memory. Since we're not facebook friends (but you could totally add me if you wanted...just sayin), I have to do it here. My favorite memory was when someone was bitching about the Paul Rudd coverage and I defended it and you commented me back "xoxo". I felt like maybe if I happened to be in New York that day and I'd run into you, we might have gone out for cocktails and you'd get a little tipsy and we might start making out but I'd DEFINITELY not tell anybody (just sayin) because that's where our friendship was. My mother has no idea how much she's going to miss you, but she is. This past year was my first away from her, and she relied on weekly videos of cute baby animals and Paul Rudd outtakes. Now she'll be screwed. I will conclude with a favorite quote, that I'm sure you'll be familiar with: "If you love something, sometimes you have to let it go. And if it's meant to be, you just....grab it"- Wheeler, Role Models.
Our hearts are like the horse And Videogum is like the shark Seriously Linds, can't you just hang out for a few more weeks or whatever?
Wow, I thought I was going to have more time to prepare. Worry not Lindsay, by the end of the day I will have created an opus to your memory (it might just be a really cute lolcat that I find). is without hyperbole that I say YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!
This makes me want to go back and watch the episode of Party Down where Henry takes ectasy. "She's going to get a facefull of jizz, and she's going to like it. So, which one is the surprise?"
Ugh, Eugene Levy......can you please stop making terrible career decisions?
Ugh, Eugene Levy......can you please stop making terrible career decisions?