
This is not the droid you're looking for.
Isn't "strange anomaly" redundant? Come on Tin Foilers, step it up!
Mitch Hedberg, I believe.
Now Larry the Cable Guy has to make a Perrier commercial.
We must not forget his work with Cassavetes!
Yeah, but from what college? I'm guessing either Pawcific University or Barkansas State.
Katie Explains About 3/5 of It All.
Pretty sure Ziggy's no longer a virgin...
In my last apartment I had a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Mr. Trump brandishing a claw hammer, his face snarled in mid-yell. Next to his face I had placed paper and pen. Guests were encouraged to write a "quote" so that Donald would appear to be yelling that phrase. It was quite popular. This is the only relevance this man has for me. RIP Donald Trump 2005-2007
I ride it to work every morning. That's why I am so sucksessfull.
Children of the Corndog
"Oui oui." - Hugh Jackman, speaking French.
The way he looks is an extension of his disgusting personality. I'm sure we'd have no problem if he was an enormous, tanned action figure who loved Guided by Voices and volunteered at the homeless shelter. This prick is narcissism manifested, a putrid miasma of protein shakes and Axe body spray. Fuck him.
Here, here. That, or Old Style cans fighting Pabst cans.
After the rapture, you should eat their pets.
This joke is the best joke. No sarcasmo. #eruditegum
I kept expecting it to fart. I don't know if this says more about me, or the internet in general.