
Surprised none of the sites reporting on this are including any other quotes off the Asthmatic Kitty website. Namely, stuff like: "the new album sounds nothing like the All Delighted EP" and "it shows an extensive use of electronics" as well as "Enjoy Your Rabbit meets the BQE. But with songs." They get a lot more descriptive, but seriously go read it. It gives you a pretty solid idea of what to expect.
A double post! Oh the shame!
This is exactly how I felt. Also, I wonder why this guy even had that video on his computer in the first place? Like, is that footage that people just have? And how did he discover his own dog would react this way to it? Questions, questions...but where are the answers?
This is exactly how I felt. Also, I wonder why this guy even had that video on his computer in the first place? Like is that footage that people just have? And like, how did he discover his own dog would react this way to it? Questions, questions...but where are the answers?
Say what you will, I don't care. I couldn't resist it.
Dude who won's gonna have a pretty sweet Animal Collective record collection.
Normally I try not to get to upset over other people's opinions regarding music, but I feel like your opinion's regarding the Avetts are, for lack of a better term, wrong. I don't care that you don't like the album (I certainly don't think it's their best work), but to claim that they don't deserve the praise they have earned is ridiculous. They are amazing lyricists, songwriters, and musicians and honestly, I don't think their talent can reasonably be disputed.
i think it's awesome that this post is the third most commented on, and there has been no arguing whatsoever... ...yet...
i love how any mention of arcade fire at all will get people arguing. it's seriously fucking embarrassing that people can't just enjoy music, or not enjoy it for that matter, without having to defend themselves. i for one, am very much looking forward to this album. so there.
i seriously did not want that to end. a depressingly underrated band, for sure.
i thought getting mad at artists for making money stopped seeming reasonable after we realized there was more to music then just punk rock? or maybe that was just me?
this is a good point, but i think what you really meant was that you don't need an "8" in "haters"
i can't think of anything funny to say...i feel like i'm wasting a wonderful opportunity... ...sigh...
How come so many of the gay/bisexual famous/semi-famous people have to be complete drama-queens? Gives the rest of us a bad name...
'bout time. however, no boston date means a trip to new york for me.
Yes, we can talk about how awesome the Avetts are live. I was pretty floored, honestly. And that "Dylan Going Electric" reenactment was priceless, although I missed most of their set because I was watching Iron & Wine. I only went Saturday, but the whole thing was absolutely wonderful. Not to mention that beautiful weather that we were thankfully blessed with.
psh...pitchfork posted this like, days ago...i've already gone through the stages of not liking it as much as their old stuff, downloading it illegally anyway, letting it grow on me, and then hating it again because it's too popular. and then i put it on my year end list...