
Look, I understand what you're saying about pop culture mashups. I couldn't care either way, but I get your point. But I don't understand your need to continually piss all over those of us who are truly upset about the situation (and I'd like to point out that the only one comparing it to 9/11 is you, sir). Community stood for some amazing, positive things (diversity, uniqueness, acceptance, intelligence, hilarity, purely great fucking television) that I would love to see reflected more in pop culture and the world at large, and the people who just want to keep making Two And A Half Men Starring Ashton Kutcher took that away from us. That seemed to me like something Videogum would have a problem with, but it turns out your problem is with those of us who really care. This isn't about coddling Dan Harmon's ego because he's a celebrity. It's about the big people totally fucking over the little people...and you making fun of the little people for being sad, or for continuing to talk about the ramifications of this decision for the future of television. Which makes me even more sad. I love you guys. But I love Community more.
Frankly, I expected this comment thread to be wall-to-wall chants of RU-FI-O! RU-FI-O!
Look, what I think is important to talk about here isn't "Is Dan Harmon an asshole/egomaniac/creative genius" (because yes, he is all of those things), but the shady way in which Sony and NBC managed to cut the balls off of the show without having to cancel it outright (thus enraging millions of fans and probably breaking the Internet). Harmon definitely didn't help anything with the Chevy Chase debacle, but I honestly believe that was merely a good scapegoat so that people like us will blame Harmon for being difficult to work with, when the truth is they have been gunning to kill off Community for years. After we all reacted so strongly to the December hiatus, they knew they shouldn't just cancel it outright, so instead they removed the person who has had to continuously fight for all of the best aspects of the show. Add to that the fact that Harmon has championed a gender-balanced writing staff in addition to creating a show with one of the most diverse (in terms of race, sexuality, gender, religion, age, and class) cast of characters on network television - his removal as showrunner holds greater implications for the future of television (especially looking at all the whitewhitewhite and mostly-malemalemale upfront previews). We need more people like Dan Harmon willing to fight for such amazing, progressive, inventive, inclusive, and heartfelt shows.
I think we just saw his vision for the show's ending in the season finale, thankfully.
That's so weird, I thought the cokehead in Die Hard got SHOT IN THE FACE.
I hope that you will take pride for many years to come in "Always the nothing, never the anything" because that is an amazing and perfect and hilarious statement that I wish I had thought of. Excellent job being awesome, Kelly.
Someone should tell that to all of the American children I work with who can get away with calling me names in Mandarin because they ALL speak Mandarin. Or Cantonese. Or Vietnamese. Or even Spanish, "the language of the ghetto". Just kidding, they can't call me names in Spanish because I already speak it. You would think that one of the first things you learn in Politician School would be to not assume that everyone else is as ignorant an asshole as you are, but obviously Republicans were all out sick with apathetic bullshit flu that day.
Oh man. Donald Glover and Gabe in the SAME PICTURE?!?!?!?! I think my ladybits just over-heated and then imploded from hotness. (gross) (sorry) (but still, SWOON)
Matt Albee and Harriet Hayes should definitely hire this guy to play at their wedding. #studio60burn
I'm from Humboldt County and am all too familiar with the spangers and trustafarians and the "intentionally homeless" that coagulate in smelly herds on the Arcata plaza and other parts of town, panhandling for money and weed (and often getting angry or mean when you refuse). They're always there, and unfortunately they seem to have hijacked the Occupy movement as an excuse for their gross and obnoxious behavior. Also, whatever idiot did POOP AND PEE on the US Bank was either an "Occupier" that failed to realize that US Bank is actually a regional western bank and not connected to the evil banks that "poo on us every day", or more likely it was just a homeless dude and/or meth addict who needed to take a shit and realized that the assholes a few blocks away pretending to occupy the courthouse would make the perfect scapegoats. Three things are clear: (1) Yelling and blaming protesters who are already being disingenuous about their motives is DEFINITELY the best way to get your very serious questions about poop and pee answered. (2) These folks should in no way be associated with the Occupy movement as a whole - there could not be more of a difference between them and my brave friends who are still Occupying Oakland. (3) Where is Dave Silverbrand when you need him? Dave Silverbrand would have cracked this story wide open (A little News Channel 3 Spirit Of The North Coast humor for my NorCal brethren). Humboldt! Represent! (But please stop representing us as people who poo on banks and/or as people who think it's important to report on who pooed on the bank.)
This guy has a great future career as a robot. In fact, I bet all those performing people/robots will be our first line of defense in the great robotic uprising, whose battles will almost definitely take the form of a dance-off, cookie bake-off, or ketchup-picking-up challenge. Only time will tell, but it's good to know that this dude is prepared for at least one of those options.
That part of the park is like, two blocks away from my house, I walk past it all the time. Wish I had walked by this one day. "You'e gonna have to touch the dog before you leave."
I cannot make gifs, but if someone could make me a gif of Ron Swanson smiling at the very end of that episode I would be eternally grateful.
This is the best thing I've read all day. You should start doing GG recaps...
Or in, say, the fair city of San Francisco for those waaaaaay out of town monsters?
Unfortunately, this is probably what I will look like in 30 years (I am assuming Nancy Grace is about 55; oops and sorry to her if she is actually, like, 40. But also I lied, I am not sorry, you are an asshole.). My dancing is better and my dress will be a million times less ugly, but I looked into that gif and saw the future and it was scary. However, thinking of seeing my parents and their friends at dance parties (not to mention that scene from Parenthood last week that was RIDIC, eh Kelly?) I wonder if at a certain point dancing skills start to decrease exponentially with age?
At the end YouTube suggested that I might like "How To Dress Like A Prep Girl". Why yes, I might. "You're gonna be classic, you're not gonna be trendy, you're not gonna be're gonna be very classic on the trends." And the faces of those models? I hope they paid them one million dollars for this, because eeeeek. No thank you, even one million dollars might not be enough to be the slightly-heavier-trying-so-hard-to-not-care model attempting to be punk in "poor" jeans.
George Bluth swore it'd grow back! I'm Jake Gyllenhall! Dot com!
This is me, but with whistling. Somehow people think that they can teach me to whistle, but never stop to think that if I could be taught to whistle, I WOULD HAVE LEARNED BY NOW AND BE WHISTLING ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. Man, I wish I could whistle. But telling someone where to put their tongue is even more useless than telling them how to move their carefully positioned fingers. A bunch of the kids at the school I work with use plastic chopsticks that are conjoined at the end, they're awesome - maybe that would help? Just bring them in your purse and then you can whip them out and say, "My hands are specially trained to only use these super-special chopsticks" and then you can be like Wolverine, except with children's chopsticks.
Anyone who references two of my favorite under-appreciated things ever is someone that I am stoked to have writing for my favorite website. "Stop calling me Warren! My name isn't *KICK* fucking Warren!" That is my idea of a warm welcome.
Dear Universe, Thank you so much for this kind gift. The weekend hasn't even started and it's already awesome. Please keep Gabe Delahaye safe so that he can continue brightening our lives in a multitude of ways...and in return I will finally post that video of Anna laughing like an orgasming bird in the rain because it is obviously THE BEST and the joy must be shared. Love, Lauren's Brain & Lady-bits
Was that monologue from Garden State? Forget Brad's awful mispronunciation of words and obsessive love of Vince Vaughn, I'm pretty sure his "serious acting" idol is Zach Braff. And we all know what that means.
Piznarzki from "Huge" and CREED MOTHERFUCKING BRATTON? Sign me up right now.
Honestly, to get away from my usual internet glibness, I've read the book, and it's a great fucking book. And I think, to answer your question, that it's supposed to make everyone, but women in particular feel good. Here is a book (and movie) that is all about women's stories, and the power behind them. It's not about a man, although there are men, good ones and bad ones and some in-between, in the story. It's not about thinking that one single action can cure racism. It is about humbling ourselves enough so we can accept each other as people, no matter what our circumstances are. I mean, who knows if the movie will be like that, but I really, really think it has great potential, and the cast is pretty damn awesome. It's about time women had a summer movie that wasn't totally a piece of shit, and hopefully they won't Ya Ya Sisterhood this one. Ah, sincerity. Books I love will bring that out in me.
And so he was doomed to live forever, stuck half-way between his transformation from Stretch Armstrong to Anne of Green Gables.