
Anecdotal evidence isn't. Cocaine is about as addictive as alcohol and harder to OD on. The danger is that like any illegal drug, you have a chance of adulterants.
My personal opinion on Russell Brand is that he is about as useful as yoga.
Cyrus almost won, and it was embarrassing because he wasn't good enough to even make the top 20. The producers were trying to make him the new Twitch, but he just isn't as good. But I still love So You Think You Can Dance.
Religion is always a good source for absurdist comedy. Except the crusades, that was dark comedy.
Actually, you know, in retrospect, she should just drive on a different street. Thanks for coming on this journey with me guys.
I mean, the sidewalk thing is hard to let go of. There was 1 door that she passed that I assume a pedestrian could come out of. And they have no expectation of seeing a car on the sidewalk. But still, I think a lot of this is overreaction. Unless of course in the other time her driving was less excusable.
Ok, hear me out ok? I'm not seeing what she did that was morally wrong beyond maybe going too fast on the sidewalk. She had a clear view of the sidewalk so she passed the school bus. It's very annoying being stuck behind a school bus, and there's no inherent virtue in patience if the action to eliminate the wasting of time doesn't harm anyone. So I don't see the "injustice" here. There is no victim from her actions.
Oh, thank you. I was afraid I would have to post this. There is nothing wrong with consenting adults sexing one another, whether it's gay or they are related. Not immoral, nor should it be illegal.
To be fair, if Jesse could have, he would have killed those drug dealers who used Tomas.
I tried, but I that sentence - "So would the 3000 people from 9/11 be alive!" - was such a trainwreck I couldn't get past it.
Wow, that Romney video is amazing. Just incredible editing.
If this belief catches on, at least it will reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in the US. Cause they clearly wanted it.
I'm confused. Was I the only one who was horrifically bored by Wet Hot American Summer?
This is true about more than that. I deal with Chinese manufacturers all the time at work and they will deliberately disobey you to save money because I swear they think that the agreements we come to are meaningless. I think it's an anti-Western bias, but based on my and everyone at my company's experience, they will take any measure possible to shortcut or just not do what they are paid to do.
Oooh, good one. Fuck Jane, she's a nightmare but probably kinda freaky. Marry the principal, she's so pretty and sweet and I always liked her. Kill the prostitute. I know she has a heart of gold and all, but not really into the meth heads.
You forgot the other obvious imagery of crazy woman trying to kill herself in water. Nice Ophelia moment, Skyler. Very Awakening.
Also, Automatic Defibrillators do not go off unless they sense ventricular fibrillation which really can't happen if your ventricles aren't flapping. Plus, putting it in your mouth wouldn't make it more likely to kill you. Plus plus, even if it did go off, it would stop your heartbeat for a while and then your heartbeat would resume normally (just like how they're designed, because it's a lifesaving measure, not a killing one). That said, I thought the flush was hilarious. I love the comedy in this season so far. Bryan Cranston in the AVClub said that this season would be funnier and it has been!
I thought this movie was ok. Loved the first half. Very entertaining, loved Bane's story and his voice/style. But the second half was pretty boring action wise, and pretty cluttered story wise. And I wanted more of exactly what Gabe was talking about. I thought this movie might have more to say the way The Dark Knight did. Instead Bane really didn't have much of an ideology and he was just another League of Shadows lackey. It was too empty. The twist with Marion Cotillard was dumb too. Worst death scene in a while, btw. The last movie had all sorts of interesting ideas with the nature of power, and this movie had a bunch of dumb ones. Had a chance to be amazing. Was instead ok. Oh well, I still enjoyed it, and am working on my Bane impression.