
Why does she talk like a deaf person?
He must look so cool as he reaches the end of each aisle and stops to pivot the board and nearly drops everything he's holding
Note: I'm actually not doing that at all anyway, I'm just gonna be myself and do whatever seems right moment to moment. I will probably laugh at her dumbass highschool crushes in spite of myself like badideajeans' mom, though.
Oh, I fully expect it to fail miserably, but it's all I got.
My plan is to set such an impossible, Ron Swanson-esque template of manhood for my daughter that no greasy pop-psychobabble spouting highschool boy can possibly seem worthwhile to her.
It's amazing what not promoting your show at all and airing it on a night when no other networks are airing new episodes can do for your ratings!
"Eat your starchy nutrition-less food that's likely covered in cheese because you can't stand to throw it out." This guy is the reason America is fat!
If you like that, you'll love the Jurrasic Park theme on melodica
I'm guessing it's "Muppets Most Wanted" for the same reason "Childrens Hospital" lost the apostrophe when it moved to TV: it's easier to Google.
This, obviously.
I really want to like it because Aranofsky's films are generally great but good lord that trailer makes it hard to remain optimistic about this one.
Yeah I saw the harmonic hammering thing he was doing when his name first got called and thought that this dude is not all that awkward, he just likes shitty music. Also I kind of feel like he was being weird on purpose just to try and get called down, like those people who are clearly being ridiculous on American Idol just to get on the "goons getting kicked off" portions they do at the beginning of each season. Which, kudos, I guess.
I love how in that interview Cuaron talks about how the NASA consultants were super hung up on how the space suits didn't have their solar-shields down and he was like "Well, then you couldn't see the actor's faces" and then they were like "But it's impossible, they'd go blind from the sun! They must have the solar shields down!" and he was like "Uh... their suits have a special new solar filter" and they were like "Oh, ok."
Did anybody else get the impression that she's only in like once scene?
The adorable thing about Tom Hanks' Twitter account is that he signs every one of his tweets, like a mom on Facebook.
It would have been cool if he had made some number other than five copies to at least not be quite so obvious about it
The key to a good parody is to cram way more syllables into the space allotted than the original used.
Pretty sure the thing with Jesse and his uncle's was not a flash forward, seeing as Jesse made that phone call to Walt telling him there had been "a change of management" with Declan's operation immediately preceeding it. That diner scene took place right after the shootout in the desert that Lydia didn't want to look at. The blood on his uncle's shoe was Declan's.
I was at a wedding once where the "entertainment" was a karaoke machine and somebody did "All That Jazz" (which is an awful karaoke choice because it's like 10 minutes long and ridiculously repetitive). It was possibly the saddest thing I've ever witnessed.