
AH, this is so good! You people are all geniuses!
My brother, who has very good taste, recommended the WMOAT posts while I had a terribly boring summer job. I would read articles all afternoon while archiving boxes of legal documents in an empty warehouse. I've been here almost every day since.
I still haven't seen anything that beats Man of Steel: It Gets Dark Very Early Now
I'm glad the "womp womp" sound translates across cultures.
Is this what parenting does to the brain? Is this what will become of me by the time babywonder turns three and a half (four)?
There's some good information over at about posting images and HTML.
Sorry! Accidental downvote! I think that is a good point, it takes me long enough to hone my comments as it is.
Makes sense, I'm pretty sure that IS Cerebro he's working at
Sorry, I just thought a cross between a lion and a hyena would look gross. Kept thinking of that bug-eyed hyena with a mane.
None of the dwarves had work permits.
BNPG Shocking truths about Disney films That wasn't Gaston's real hair.
I've never seen this show, but that logic seems flawed...
"Are you sure I can't have one of these cameras? It seems like you have enough already. Who needs three cameras? I could really use one, you know, to make videos for my grandchild. I know how to use it, probably. Are you sure I can't have a camera?"