
"That Lincoln is READY, brother." -Hulk Hogan
The increasing amount of wrestling merch they're wearing each video is probably my favorite part of these videos. Mike in a Rey Mysterio mask nearly made me spit out my drink. And Krispy Kreme is basically just John Cena cosplaying at this point.
Don't you DARE talk about Kumail Nanjiani like that!
Is it Emily V. Gordon of the Indoor Kids? If so, great! If not... well, you have the same name as a person I think is cool. So you've got that going for you.
But it had HOLLYWOOD actors! HOLLYWOOD!
I feel like it's on me for getting angry about this consistently dumb awards show, but man. So dumb. Nominating literally EVERY adult regular cast member from Modern Family is an enormous "fuck you!" to everyone else. Especially Nick Offerman, who would've announced the nominations if not for flight trouble. I'm sure that would've been awkward. So, yeah. Emmys stay Emmying.
They had me at the Mac Miller and John Cena shirts.
Looks more like Joshua Jackson to me. Maybe this is just a promotional stunt for the last season of Fringe.
I wish there was more, obviously, but considering that the episodes are an hour and a half each, it's basically three movies a year.
Best complete misrepresentation of how computers work
More importantly, "He is a dead now..."
"Do I look like a pimp to you?" "Yes. You look like a pimp."
Can I talk about how much I love Renly? Renly is just the greatest. Robert was the uncle that drinks too much at thanksgiving, Renly is the fun uncle, and Stannis is the stiff uncle who always has to talk about religion and make everyone uncomfortable. This is a dumb analogy, but I don't care. I'm too smitten by Renly and his dope-ass crown to notice!
If I ever saw Jack Gleeson, I would throw nothing but effusive praise at him. The kid can act.
This is the inverse of the Mr. Spriggs BBQ commercial.
I'd say he's more Peter Gabriel, but Making Mirrors has homages to pretty much every popular 80's singer-songwriter. It even has a song that sounds almost exactly like "Faith" by George Michael.
So Darko
I agree that Pete's become more likable, but he's SUCH a petulant little shit. Case in point: holding eye contact with Roger for the entirety of his masturbatory announcement of the Mohawk airlines news.