
But he forgot to rest his case! I guess it is just a clip, so SOMEONE rests their case at the end of all this.
Holy shit, this thread is making me feel old. I was definitely out of high school when 9/11 happened. But I have to give you guys props (is that what the kids say these days? Ow, my arthritis) because I seriously can't imagine being stuck inside a school all day with teachers who can be shitty and insensitive (not all are like that, but you had to have at least one), and the general idiots who populate high schools (see thisismynightmare's story below). That day was such a mindfuck, I probably would have just walked out Judd Nelson-style.
Paul Scheer and company are giving Gabe a run for his money on the WMOAT Hunt:
Did anyone see Betty White on the Barbara Walters' Special? At one point, Babs is like "Finish this sentence: 'Betty White is.....'" and Betty responded with "overexposed." I've never been a Betty hater, but I thought Gabe would actually like that. She's totally aware how stupid this whole hoopla is. Also SOLID night of NBC comedies but WOOF the new "Perfect Couples" looks BAD.
Wait.... How can Matthew McConaughey AND Josh Lucas be in the same film? They are the same person!! It's like Batman and Bruce Wayne being in the same room.
I keep thinking of long lists of terrible holiday movies like this too, and then I think to myself, "Gabe is a PERSON. This is too cruel." Somehow a block of shitty Christmas movies is too much for one person to bear.
Oh. My. God. Thank you so much! I could not place him for the life of me.
When I saw his face, I really thought it was going to be a movie about Marky Mark fighting for the money for his retarded/Rain Man brother. I was like NOOOOOOOO Christian Bale, don't go full retard!
I 100% agree with you. I hated this movie. I also submit Inside Man. That movie made me so angry.
If you want me to wear 37 pieces of flare, just make the minimum 37 pieces of flare.
I upvoted all your comments... mostly because I agree that the comments section is like an entirely different website and I do not understand it at all. More of Gabe's writing and funny videos, less comment cliques please.
Shirley the Shark - presented with the 2010 gummy "The BEST" award, after savagely dismembering and ingesting 299 characters from True Blood, a show for adults (she spared Jessica).
It's literally just BBQ sauce...
I do hate this show, but I was really sad when I realized that the Eric/Sookie hook up was just a dream. We need more of that.
i have been waiting for this gif since last night. THANK YOU!!!
Didn't Wet Hot American Summer also go straight to DVD? If so, can we make it a tie?
I think there are just too many completely cookoo moments in each episode now, that Gabe's brain exploded and he just ran out of steam. And I kind of understand. Usually there is enough of a balance of bat-shit insane and a little bit insane in each episode that I can enjoy it ironically. But this last episode was so totally bat-shit that it was actually tiring to watch, let alone write about. So what I'm trying to say here is this: Thanks, Gabe! I know I like to bring up redonk things that you didn't write about, but I get it. Just please don't stop writing these recaps. They MAKE my Monday.
Look, I love VAMPIRE POLITICS as much as the next Trubie, but I was really satisfied when they went into great expositional detail on the gift tax situation when Eric gave Lafayette a car. THANK YOU TRUE BLOOD. We definitely need more tax talk in our vamporn.
So you're telling me he is an Orthodox Jew?
(this is me begging the intewebs for a Gob Bluth gif)
Can the lawyer, Charlie Nelan be played by Gob Bluth in his $5000 suit?
I'm not sure if he's Jewish, but does the Toph-meister have enough room in his Predators PR blitz schedule to tackle for the role of Noah?
This show got too meta for me this week (versus just being so ridiculous that I laugh uncontrollably and that is why I love it) when Sookie quoted Bill as calling her "Sookeh." Like I felt like that was a joke that should have gone on the gag reel at the wrap party.
The music on this show is on par with the ridiculousness of the story lines. It is my favorite tv show music. If I could make the "Beeill and Sookeh" suite into a ringtone, I would. I also noticed the secret drawer with the dosier on Sookie -- in what I'm pretty sure was Bill's house. Why does Bill have that?!?!
Omar Little Starring Michael J. Fox as the voice of the charming, talking, rifle-slinging, whistling mouse.
Shoot It Up 2: The Sheeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Here are somethings that need to be discussed: -While Eric was taking a break from his six hour sex session (with the stripper from the minisode lolz) to have a casual conversation with Sookeh, it should be safe to assume that he had a raging boner that whole time. -When Jessica and Sookeh find the over-turned car, they somehow notice the marking on the dead guy's neck (which should be impossible because it's dark, and it literally looks like a dirt smudge). The next thing you know, Jessica is pulling these sybols up on her smart phone. I guess there's an app for that? -How does Bill dig himself a grave to sleep in (hahahaha still funny!) WITHOUT A SHOVEL? -I don't care if this show has too many characters because I love them the best. Arlene had the best line of the night with the "You think you're so special because you fell in love with a serial killer? Let's be honest, who around here hasn't?" -Also, Lafayette's outfit. I need someone to post a picture of that masterpiece.
Really, Gabe? I thought you were a little more progressive (and just plain nicer?) than to make fun of someone who clearly has a cognitive disability. Unnecessary low blow.
where is your single long stemmed rose? megan fox is not the only starlet worthy of flowers!!!
P.S. Summer of 2010 -- have you guys figured out yet that this show is actually a shitty rip off of a far greater show called MXC on Spike? MXC takes footage from an actual gameshow EXACTLY like this in Japan, but has two guys dub over it with ridic story lines and hilarious, almost nsfw commentary. Have we learned yet that the American version of things is almost always a let down? Also summer of 2010, I was just wondering if I made it to witness Neil Armstrong walk on Mars (once his cryogenic head was reanimated of course).
I somehow get the feeling that this interviewer is not as obsessed with Paul Rudd as Lindsay (or I) to know that - omg you guys, Paul Rudd was in that Blech Lurveman Romeo and Juliet (modern gangsta-style) with Claire Danes in the late 90's. [image of paul rudd in astronaut's costume]
I also didn't see the flower kid until a 2nd (4th) look, and i'm kind of sad that i noticed at all. i liked imagining gabe on his oversized (probably tan) couch feeding medicine to his cats in between watering his plants, with hangover movie posters (because, hey you guys, those are awesome) adorning the walls.
so so soooo glad i waited until the end of that. the last 10 seconds of this video = amazing.
never ever take this segment of your blog away. it keeps my eyes from bleeding and makes me feel better about myself simultaneously. kahdoos.
Sooo does anyone else think that the old-man-looking-back part would have been perfect for David Carradine? :( Autoerotic asphyxiation is All-American.
this is no good. I have a Saturday hangover routine of coffee and watching the soup and then best week ever. what am i supposed to do now??? my gag reflex is much too strong when i'm hung over to handle any of that flava of charm school of love bus: the inferno.