
This looks like the obsessive behaviour of an abused/depressed animal. I'm not an expert. But that's the only place I've seen this sort of thing before. Sorry to be a downer.
The Avatarland model looks good but that 600 ft super realistic James Cameron is going to terrify the kids.
"So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound." Revelations 8:6 Or Someone re-arranging furniture on a long sumberged UFO and being a real dick about it.
Just when Paula Deen's money gets otherwise tied up...
Didn't recognise him right away in the thumbnail. And seriously, that photo could be about Male Cancer Awareness, Coping with Depression or Alcoholism....Without being mean, he's no Clooney. Oliver Cromwell. Lord Protector of England (1599-1658)...But you will not make many friends in Ireland.
Superdad.........The Lawnmoaner Man....The Good, The Dad and the Ugly....Jurrasic Badly Parked....The Forty Year Old Virgin Bottle of Single Malt Scotch....Paternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
If she's using a shopping cart/trolley, grip the front, blocking her exit. "Haha. my knuckes are turning as white as ice cream! Hahaha. What do YOU think is fun? "
One does not simply walk into Stone Henge....No really. You're hardly allowed within a fucking mile.
Am I the only one who's gonna say it? Okay, I'm gonna say it. Prancercise: Heel toe heel toe heel Camel toe camel toe camel toe.
Is this the first ever Spambot to actually ALMOST be relevant to a post...It ALMOST works as a caption. Particularly "Hope you can find your perfect math."
Stop or my Mom Will Shoot Pictures of Your Too Precious For Words Baby And Instagram Them!
The older kid does NOT seem as into it as everybody else. A supervillain is being formed before our eyes....Also, "My wife said I can do whatever I like long as I pay the mortgage." I do not think there's any Catwoman hi-jinks down in that cave. Ever.
A lot of sports get respect / taken seriously proportionally to the physical risks involved. This must be the number one nutsack endangering activity on earth...And hugging after a score? You'll have some fucker's eye out.
It's refreshing to hear a frank young voice shouting proud about the joys of masturbation. That's what 'Going Solo' is all about, right?...He certainly appears to be stroking one out for most of the video.
AMC: Something something something more
"I downvoted you." "That's funny. I don't think of you at all."
I think we both need to stress that we have no further information relating to this case.