
Sensei is a Japanese word, Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art form, and Gabe is a terrible insensitive racist who should apologize right now.
Oh, not this stupid game! It was the only thing keeping me from 100% completion in Red Dead Redemption
The Big Bang Theory-types just aren't quite what you expected when you meet them in real life
I only accept legitimate apologies.
"Please run around acting batshit. Create several more plotholes if the spirit strikes you."
You better go bail your boyfriend out already!
***MINOR SPOILER*** I'm pretty certain this was the shittiest group of scientists. So, they find a decapitated alien head and take it back aboard their ship for analysis. It turns out it is a head inside a helmet and they then take the helmet off--OK pump the brakes there a second. If we find a mummy's sarcophagus here on on Earth, we take a bit of extra time before cracking it open. Still, I'll suspend my disbelief, maybe they have advanced procedures that have trimmed out the steps in between finding an artifact and busting it open to take a look. BUT THEN they decide hey, you know what? We can stick an electrode stick into the damn brain stem. Hmmm. Nope, nothing yet, keep cranking it up. Oops, hey its gonna explode. Do you know why it exploded? What were these aliens doing here? I dunno! I'm just not a good scientist at all!
That's not wind, it's an ovary-depleting Tobey Maguire pheromone blast.
Uhhh, where's Gatsby?
The parties were bigger, the morals were looser, the hair was more emo-er.
"Taxes that pay for the street, the police... so you can have your protest."
I'm glad to see our old buddy found some work after Lost
Next time how do you guys think I should use my power to predict the future?
You know, I can't even remember what life was like before this show. What's important is that we don't lose our humanity. Though I would do whatever it takes for my wife and my boy. What we have to do now is survive. If that's what it takes for me to survive another night of talking about talking, then talking about where to talk next, then I'm going to do whatever it takes to talk.
In the comic, Dale ended up hooking up with Andrea. Later on, Dale gets bit and infected but before he can turn he gets abducted by a small group of cannibals. He has the last laugh, revealing that as they were eating him piece-by-piece they were also now infected. In the tv show, he's walking around late at night alone and a zombie gets the drop on him. Cool show, cool stories!