
oh man the newsroom got so bad this week! it was already bad but sunday it was really bad
Kelly, I love your interminable concern for Lindsay Lohan's life/health.
My thoughts exactly. I saw her on Conan last week and she seemed awful.
nearly shed a tear after the car crash
what about her aborted black baby?!?
thats exactly what ive been trying to say hotspur, thank you
gangy youre not following. all im saying is that the word can be used without any correlation to the mentally handicapped. when you say someone is mentally retarded you are saying they are mentally retarded. if you say someone is retarded you are not necessarily saying they are mentally retarded. see what i mean? i am not saying it is anything but negative in meaning, i am just saying that it means more than just being of a developmentally challenged condition
am i the only one who has seen the word used not in the slang sense? i mean the word has a much broader use than a playground insult or that definition. ive seen it used alot to describe the worst member of a group, say the weakest, slowest, sickest, dumbest. i apologize for being an ass above because i do realize gabe probably used it in the way you dont like, but i feel we should try to not be too conservative with our use of language. and i too read bangkok 8 fairly recently, a mighty fine book.
the word does not refer only to the mentally handicapped. read a book every now and then...
wait, is it still considered date rape if youre a prostitute?
c'mon, saturnian lets do better than that
you know something is considered important when it is used as the subject of a nike commercial
im sick of all this gay-rights propaganda
fantastic. remember when he did subway commercials? or was that tom arnold? i always get them mixed up