
Howl's Moving White Castle
*Mmmmmm-hmm* *Oh no you didn't* *Cracker is an unfair stereotype* *Check out this mothafucka* *Best watch yoself* *Cracker is the more offensive of the two words*
Maybe this wasn't even supposed to be a pun, huckabeast, but I really got a kick out of you saying "Post Office". Like, because it's a blog, and because we POST stuff? Also, maybe, because I just woke up? Either way, GO GET 'EM, HUCK!
Careful. You know what happens the third time you say Beetleju..... Whoa. That was close.
Since I started watching the first video then got bored and started reading the comments, it looks as though this man is dancing to the music of RIchard Marx's "RIght Here Waiting". It's actually making me pretty emotional.
huh? meant this: ?
Jack on the bow of the ship: "I'm the highest-rated monster!!!"
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unless i am closing at work... then maaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyybe.)
More like 'In Me-Corey-am.' I tried, I really did, but I'm still REALLY tired. Morning!