
Rebecca Logan! That's who she is! She looks so much like Rachel Leigh Cook in brownface that I couldn't figure out how I knew her.
It's okay. 70% or more of the people who watch this video will do it with the sound muted, so we don't have to worry about people listening to her.
eww, the tarzan video's screenshot is gross in a call-Chris-Hansen kind of way.
your sarcasm accidentally came out as the truth.
Barachiosaurus Obama vs. Mittotaurasaurus Romney
there was that one time one of the kings happily let the people praise him as a god and then he was struck down and eaten alive by worms. Yay!
In space, no one can call you Ishmael. So close.
That's quite the special set of skills he has there to deal with people like you.
that's not even about John Travolta, it's just about an asshole DJ Does that make it better?
I know who that is*!!!! Look at me, Dad! *because he dated Jessica Simpson and was hot enough to remember after that
Stapp went on to explain his support of Romney further: "I asked myself who I'd rather have a beer with, and Governor Romney doesn't drink so that's more for me!" At that Stapp's sober companion escorted him back inside the rehab's doors.
Uptown Abbey starring Billy Joel and a variety of girls?
Why did my Linda Hogan google alert not go off so I could make a Linda Hogan joke about this???
I thought the Parker Posey joke was going to be about Alicia Silverstone, but I guess once that bird-feeding video went viral she'll never leave the public consciousness?
This also points out another aspect of the "Middle Class" discussion that is grossly incorrect. The news outlets and political commentary is treating this term like it can apply to anyone who makes from $20,000/year to $250,000/year. Those are both not middle class! I understand that different areas have sometimes large differences in the cost of living, but lets stop pretending that people who regularly max out their social security contributions every year (108ish K per individual) have the same problems as the family living paycheck to paycheck on a combined $50,000/year household income.