
"That's So Cancelled" "Doggfather Knows Best"
I can't figure out how to post my desired picture (new to the site, bad with computers, and also stupid), so I will describe my intended post to you, and then you can mail me your upvotes. I would have posted the picture of the "more sand" girl, and then put "more juice". *bows*
And I went with "an" because boring starts with b, which is a vowel.
So...the guy was later okay? He looked awfully corpsey. Also, what an boring swear-jar at that office, no doubt. They'll never get that new scanner.
Okay, a hypothetical - Daddy says one thing, Simon says another. Now what?!
"I will do enough good to make it up there." Something. In. My eyes.
Just like we rehearsed. You moved! That's why I was off. I would fire you, but that look in your eye when I slap dem titties...I just can't do it. - That Guy
Best episode of the season, probably, but I don't think they played to his strengths all that well. But there isn't much out there funnier than him trying to keep his composure.