
Yeah, I don't get the derision for this. It just seems like an "It gets better" story.
When I was a kid, my preacher used to tell us that America was doomed because of women working outside the home. I first learned about feminism when I asked my (working) mom why her jaw kept doing that during the sermon.
Second Terriers! Under the radar, but great show.
Did anyone else think that poster was for another 9/11 movie? I know Adam Sandler basically defined the genre, but there is another one coming out soon. Jeez, it's like we'll be nevar forgetting forever
The way the series should end is in the last 30 seconds of the last episode, he is just standing next to a lady waiting for the bus and he says, hi how's it going? And then it ends. Nailed it.
It is an act, the whole thing. Pilkington is satirizing aspects of English society, and he and Gervais are very close friends.
Jonah Hex? Is that the movie where the protagonist and his prostitute friend pursues a deranged ex-Confederate officer who builds a superweapon to defeat the Union? Wild Wild West?
It will probably be just respectful enough to avoid really pissing off his wife and in-laws.
Sorry, I meant to give a link to their photo, not hotlink it.
For what it's worth (dos centavos), Rob Schneider is actually married to a very pretty Mexican lady in real life. Here they are:
Honestly not trolling, but why can we not say "mong" (which is a word I never heard before), but idiot, imbecile, and moron are all OK?
The guy who first named it "Mongolian idiocy" in the mid-1800s was John Langdon Down, for whom Down's syndrome is now named. Also: In the early 1900s, Dr. Henry H. Goddard proposed a classification system for mental retardation based on the Binet-Simon concept of mental age. Individuals with the lowest mental age level (less than three years) were identified as idiots; imbeciles had a mental age of three to seven years, and morons had a mental age of seven to ten years.
Listen: Handsome Gabe is actually just the transitional figure from morphing Eric Bana into Gabe.
Maybe it was just something for Hank to obsessively study and categorize, like he would do with his police case work. You know, just saying something about Hank's nature that makes him a good cop.
Speaking of which, season two of thirtysomething needs to be addressed
1. New Orleanians do not have Cajun accents: 2. Cajun accents are adorable.
Jesse Tom Sawyering those methheads, confirmed for tweak whisperer. Finally something he's good at.
KELLY, Joseph Gordon Levitt is known as either JGL or Jiggle. It's your job to know this. I, however, have no excuse.