
I had a friend in the city who got a shard of metal from a construction sight in his eye during Hurricane Irene so NO ONE IS SAFE.
Gaaaabe, is there something you're trying to tell us about you and Kelly?
Perfect tagline. Other contender: "Welcome to Earth! ....... again!!"
I don't view Betty as being a one dimensional monster at all this episode (and season). She had my sympathy completely until she tried to use Sally as a pawn in the unwinable game of sadness chess she's playing with the Drapers. Watching Betty carefully measure out her food in the beginning, suck in her stomach before she walked into the apartment to face Megan, that sweet scene with Henry and reading the mash note from Don (!) all made me feel for her. ...Right up until she exploited Sally (who ps clearly learned from mama well based on all her cutting little comments). The only thing that bothered/confused me this episode was the Roger/Jane dynamic. Obviously sleeping together was a mistake buuuut how was that just Roger's fault? She could have said no? Even allowing for the fact that she probably still has feelings for him?
The meaningful, longing glance that started this sequence reminded me of how hot Alec Baldwin continues to be. Am I right, ladies (and gentlemen who like daddy-bears?)??
Can we all agree that the best thing about Kenneth is Kenneth lore? "...the only thing I see when I see when I look in the mirror is a white haze."
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been Winwooded... and I like it!!!
Maybe it's because one of my kindergarteners is a black girl who hates her skin color and is obsessed with Barbie, but I'm really happy to see that they're trying to make a movie with a black, female heroine. It's not like we have a plethora of those. That being said, Will Smith still sounds like a nightmare of a human being who is clearly bent on exploiting his children for money he couldn't possibly need.
Oh good, we're talking about this. Because I'd honestly, truly like to know what "Decision Points" actually means.
May I nominate Lovely Bones? I entered Lovely Bones + worst in the search engine and came up with a surprising amount of entries, but no actual review of the film which (not surprisingly) was THE WORST. Ugh. Just ugh.
Aw, raspberries. Beat to the punch. The brisk, brisk punch.
The cast of "Jersey Shore." Not pictured: anyone with discernible talent.
Monday Monkey lives for the weekend, sir.
It counts more than anything else has ever counted.
This has GOT to be a bid for lowest comment of the week. Why can't you just let Gabe be great/terrible?
I really enjoyed your argument. I thought it was interesting that you brought up the racial consequences of our actions. I totally agree with you, but I think most of these reality shows focus on white males being white males. How representative of 'dangerous' work is that? Ugh.