
I know he SAID "no looking back" at the end, but I was really hoping for one last sassy over-the-shoulder glance.
Although this movie had an bitchy blonde queen who seemed to have a creepy relationship with her also-blond brother, dwarfs, sword-wielding brunette girls, lots of running through woods, cavalry battles, castles, princess who are prophesized to rule peaceably because of some magic thing, cute boys with cute accents, and CGI mythical creatures, it was overall a lot more LAME OF THRONES than these qualities would lead one (me) to believe.
Thank goodness she took a picture of herself pouting about this so the news could use it in their story about her not getting to be sparkly in a specific place for a few hours.
Yeah, but whereas Tyrion was like, "Save your own homes and families and lives! Who cares about glory because you aren't going to get it anyway!", Theon was all, "Statues for everyone! Songs about us until the end of time! I'm a teenager and I want to be famous!" Theon is an asshat.
Here's stuff you can piece together from the show: 1) None of the Ironmen like Theon because they think he treated the Starks too much like family and got too comfy on land. 2) Roose Bolton (older dude talking to Robb in the "previously on"s) gave his bastard son, Ramsay, marching orders. The Boltons are Northmen. 3) Robb told Roose to tell Ramsay that any Ironmen who surrendered could go home unharmed EXCEPT Theon, who, one assumes, will get his ass handed to him. 4) All of the Northmen think Bran and Rickon are dead. 5) ??? 5) Winterfell is burned down, potentially to frame Theon.
On a more serious note (what could be more serious than Lane's predicament? nothing, but anyway), her dragons don't seem to have gotten any bigger since last season's finale. More than a few weeks must have passed since then, right? They should have gotten a little bigger. Cat-sized, maybe?
I don't see that fucking hat anywhere, so he must still be wandering around in the woods alone with a gun.
Those dancing lessons have really paid off.
Well, as Tyrion pointed out previously (last ep. or a couple ago), the Mud Gate is the most vulnerable, and it's also the gate (not necessarily pointed out by Show Tyrion) that is most commonly used by fishmongers and sailors bringing in wares from merchant vessels, etc, so it's bound to have a fairly narrow beach. I don't deny that it looks like the beach was roughly the size of my couch, but that would make sense if it's supposed to be the most penetrable gate. Something else that hasn't been made as crystal clear on the show as it was in the books is that there's been an enormous amount of dissent and general anti-Joffrey sentiment in King's Landing, especially with Tywin having taking a bunch of dudes away to fight again Robb, so they are woefully under-manned. What had previously made King's Landing nearly impenetrable was less that it has huge, strong walls and wide beaches (that would be Harrenhal), but that it had pretty good walls and gates that could be easily protected by a suitable number of soldiers. With most of the soldiers gone and the remaining soldiers being kind of crappy at their jobs, King's Landing was rendered about as strong (relatively) as the castles occupied by the Night's Watch.
Not to get too GAME OF BOOKS on you, but in the books, the Dany scene that's going to happen next week is actually really good. Of course, in the books, Dany scenes are 40,000% less Dany screaming "WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?!" and Jorah screaming "KHALEESI!" and much more, like, descriptions of figs, but it's actually the first good scene she has since Drogo's death. I don't know how it will play out on the show (in the books, GAME OF SPOILERS, her dragons never get stolen, so she has other motivation for going to the House of the Undying), but assuming HBO didn't actually spend all of their budget on the wildfire scene, it should be pretty neat.
Well, Lady Madonna (and the bible Madonna) are defined by their roles as mothers, which is what Betty has been reduced to as well. The speaker in "Lady Lazarus," by contrast, has been reinvented and put to use in myriad ways, none of which are of her own choosing until the end of the poem. She is decidedly not a mother figure, and neither is Megan, who has also previously been put to various uses by Don, until the end of the episode, when she asserts her desire to be an actress (which is, incidentally, also about having the ability to reinvent oneself). The poem is ostensibly much more about the Holocaust than that, obviously, but the contrast between the poem and the song serves to highlight the rise in feminist ideals, Beatles fanaticism, and observation of the Holocaust that was prevalent in the show's current time period.
It's a Sylvia Plath poem, but it's also possibly the anti-"Lady Madonna," to keep up with all the Beatles stuff?
Drawing a heart on a foggy window is like the antithesis of Rory Gilmore communication, though. It's not just not annoyingly verbose; it's nonverbal altogether.
Even more spoilers: Since they shot all the north-of-the-Wall stuff in Iceland (I think?) it's much more treeless than in the books (I guess the Frostfangs probably don't have many trees, but the area around the Fist of the First Men definitely did), so when Jon immediately lost sight of the rest of the rangers and Ygritte was like, "Now you'll never find your friends," I was kind of like, "Or you could look for the only other moving things within a 15-mile radius?" I dunno. There's a lot of visibility up there. Regardless, I guess maybe this is the point at which Jon makes certain alliances (without being too spoiler-y), and does that mean that Qhorin isn't going to sanction it the way he did in the books? Because that would make me feel differently about Jon and the choices he makes and the eventual other choices that people make about him.
She pretty much has to if she wants to fulfill her destiny as a hair salon/male brothel owner.
Don't worry about Pisces' choice--Janine is his barber.
This is 85% of what kids will draw. The other 15% will be messages to other cars dictated by their parents, along the lines of "Use a turn signal, silver Subaru!"
If she's going to just talk the whole thing, she needs to either auto-tune it, hire a young urban gentleman to rap it, or commit to spoken-word poetry.
figure out a way to make purple drank lo-carb and you're in business!
It's been a big problem in southeast Asian countries for many years as well. There's a book, Disposable People (which is from like 1998 or 1999, but is still interesting) that talks about all the slavery that's still (or was at the time of publication) going on all over the world, sex-related and otherwise. It's pretty interesting. I'd send a copy to Ashton, but I'm sure he's already read it, because he's really smart IRL and smart people read books.
I'm just sad that the trailer spoils the fact that he gets that Volkswagen running again.
The Ice Cream Man Cometh
At least in the Miss America pageant they have the decency to wear swimsuits. Some of those girl monsters on Sesame Street don't even wear clothes!