
That reminded me of this really great Review Roger Ebert did on Bad Boys 2.
Sometimes you have to get your Daddy on, because Mommy had to get your Daddy off.
This post has some pretty bad grammer.
I really dug the episode, but the only thing that kind of bugged at me, was the lawyer getting busted, while filling the safety deposit boxes. I assume they'd need to issue a warrant to the actual bank for that, right? Would it be that easy? Call up a bank and say, "Hey we've got a hunch!"?
not nearly as cool as tacocopter...
Blue Valentine 2: Electric Blue-galoo
I was surprised to find that none of you were surprised by the surprise. I was kind of surprised. I could be wrong but I thought a few episodes ago Maggie had mentioned to Glen something like "you may call them walkers but to us they are Mom, and Uncle Whoeever, and Joe whatever from down the street..." Maybe I was so bored with the Sophia thing that I thought Maggie's Mom was going to walk out or something and Maggie and Herschel would be crying and Shane would carelessly and monstrously shoot her in the head in front of them. ...obviously I don't write TV
OMG! Will I ever stop discovering Arrested Development jokes? I've seen the series like a dozen times now and I never caught on to that.
Also, (and I'm totally on board with Insurance Companies being not allowed to pull shit like this) but you CAN appeal their decision, and if you just talk to a few people, there is a good chance one of them will understand the "OMFG are you kidding me?"-ness of the situation. ...but at the same time Fuck BCBS, they denied me because one time in college I got drunk.
Dude... I know you weren't totally serious, but the whole making fake meth out of actual rocks thing just blew my mind.
Oh! found it. That was so easy!
Do you guys remember that time Walt threw the pizza on the roof? Classic Walt. Gif of this anyone?
This is actually a reply to Stevenstevo's comment about never hearing white people use the "n-word".... yes they do. I've heard Louis C.K., David Cross, and I think even Patton Oswalt use the "n-word" in very clever non-offensive ways, that was more a commentary about social dynamics etc. I suppose the reason I found Tracey Morgan's comment offensive, is because it wasn't funny? Not like, "That's not funny, it's serious!" like, it's just not that clever or funny, or inciteful, so it's only really left with being incredibly offensive. Sort of like that NBC show, "Outsourced," it failed in being funny so it's only racist. If it used racial stereotypes to maybe point to something more clever or interesting and ended up being humorous it's almost like the racism worked??? Then again me pointing to places where "racism workd" feels a bit wrong too so I don't know.
I'm just waiting on the youtube supercut of Magneto trying to make things move with his hands and Xavier trying to read people's minds.... very cheesedick IMO. I'd put a gif in here that more accurately describes what I'm talking about but I don't have those kinds of superpowers.
Isn't this Joe Mande's job? Should we start a paypal to raise money to get him there.... Better yet, a kickstarter?
Watch the Making of this commercial afterwards. You find out what inspired him.... fascinating stuff.