
Natasha Leggero was brutal and I thought she was great!
Did anybody else CTRL + F this page and write their favorite celebrity names? No . . . Me neither.
If The Office ends with Erin and Andy engaged with New Jim sitting at old Jim's desk looking longingly at 'New Pam' I think I'll die a little inside. But I can really see that happening.
If it doesn't get picked up he should start a Kickstarter for it.
This is probably a unique experience for my week in GIFs but I begrudgingly watched Happy Endings and fell in love with it.
John C Riley (as played by Paul F Thomkins) for Haymitch. Yes please.
Yeah but Pawnee takes place in a world where outside of their department 90% of people are crazy. I love that the humour often comes from these (fairly) normal people dealing with the really abnormal population of Pawnee. At least that's how I see it.
Sorry to have sullied your awesome response with a bad link. I intended for it to be this.
I love how intimate the seat is. I want every interview to be carried out on a seat like that.
This is an oddly good look for Miley.
How do they still look like teenagers 10 years after their first album? Not good teenagers like new 90210, Bad teenagers like old 90210.
I think I actually want to see this.
It also has a 'masterbatorium' Which makes it amazing.
Agreed! Nicole Kidman's face is the worst!
But think about it, EVERYTHING has changed. Brittney Santana and Quinn get to wear normal human clothes now. What will Brittney the Perfect wear every week when she has to dress herself? I'm guessing that will be a new source of 'humor'?