
Serious question: why does Garfield hate Mondays? I never understood that part. It's not like he has a job.
Barack: "You're Bill Murray! Bill Groundhog-Day, Ghostbustin-ass-" Bill: "Shut your fucking mouth."
Wait, so The Hunger Games is just white Battle Royale with flamboyant costumes and ridiculous facial hair?
I can give you the sweet, smooth feel of wood in your ear for half the price. Just kidding that would be pretty gross and also quite difficult to physically do
I'm just waiting for Jon Hamm and Mary Steenburgen to jump on the bandwagon.
"Haha. Right. You know how it is when you love to take methamphetamine and also ecstasy but you are worried that you might also get strep throat?" This is why I love VGum.
I just want to erase the memory of this terrible show by going back and rereading all the (superb) comix from the start (please see note above if interested in my lunch money).
YES. I mean, if he's supposed to be Tyreese from the comics (feel free to beat me up and take my lunch money) why not just call him Tyreese and avoid confusion? A more general question: why is it so impossible for TV writers to NOT give black men ludicrous nicknames?
Is that a deliberate Laurel and Hardy reference? If so, why?
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For some reason I lost it at ".biz"
I agree, I was also pretty creeped out by this shit
Tedsticular Cancer
Next week, Gus kills Walt's whole family, Walt becomes the Joker, Jesse becomes Batman. Bill Burr narrates. #iwish
Pooperman, Shatman, Peein' Lantern. I'm done.