
wow, thats intense. i love it.
oh hey im round them parts!
but twinkies came back.
if jay leno is the third part in the tragedy trifecta this would be such a disappointment/relief
They're SO behind Jimmy Fallon that theyre moving the show back to NYC. Something that Conan either didn't have the power for or didn't ask for. He moved his whole crew out to LA and NBC just abandoned him! I'm still not over it
also played casanova's love interest in david tennant/russell t davies' "casanova". crushable there, too.
to be fair, its on his face, which (must) be much easier than braiding behind your head.
is it not just a pumpkin strapped to his face? pain, yes. but pumpkin mask? also yes.
two pairs of black heels that are the same height, no less
the scary dude in the bathroom is the same arms dealer that sold Walt his .38 in the fourth season.
Which looks suspiciously like poo water. Drowning in polar bear poo water with real polar bear included. Awesome.
Shouldn't the headline change to include the update?
I am not 100% certain but the reason why it looks like they are messin' with water while still being under the water is that the water they are messing with is has a heavier salt content than the water they are swimming around in. OR there is freshwater mixin' with salt water.
Not so much bounce. More like a gym mat...