
I heard Community just got picked up for a half season (13 eps).
I wish this episode was called Pudding in a Cloud.
I'm pretty sure this is a bottom story. Also, "tough scoops" is a real understatement. A real gross understatement.
Am I the only one who LOLd/Spittake'd after Dean showed up at the apt and Abed said, "I need help reacting to something." And yes, please make "Read the banana, Britta" the new "face facts" or "shit just got real"
Oh! Please everyone love BFFs (or at least give it a shot!) My friend Steve is on that show ("Rav") and it makes me feel super awesome to know a person on a primetime sitcom - it's like being friends with Fonzie! Also, its good! It has a little first season growing to do, but it's super good. And Quinetta (the adorable 9-yr-old neighbor girl) is the best. (The second best. Go Rav!) Watch it!!!!!!
I hope everybody, everywhere makes their own version of this. Best birthday ever, dude!
Also, this letter is SO CLEARLY written for other people to read. There's no shorthand--everything, every memory, every detail is written out and explained, even though he's speaking to someone who was there when it happened...? I'm officially calling baloney on this whole mess. Both of them should just go to bed.
Also, if you read the whole letter, Joe Eszterhas is basically calling Mel Gibson a racist because he hasn't called him back about his script. I mean, he cites a bunch of examples of Mel being racist, but it takes Mel not calling him to discuss his script for Joe to come to the conclusion that Mel hates Jews. Ugh. Gross. Joe Eszterhas sounds like the kind of guy that would call a woman a lesbian because she refused to go out with him. (Not that Mel Gibson isn't racist (duh doy, Joe!) and an idiot and maybe that woman I just made up is a lesbian, but I bet straight or gay has nothing to do with why she turned down Joe Eszterhas.)
Yeah it's weird to use someone else's accusations as more proof that he's an asshole. I mean, you sort of don't need more proof, but if you did, this would not be that proof. If anything, it makes me think Joe Eszterhas is an asshole (where previously I could not have been bothered to have an opinion about Joe Eszterhas). Who continues to work with a guy that constantly refers to people as "hebes" and "oven-dodgers"? I don't give a fuck if it means your job or your career--you fucking walk away from that dude and you don't look back.
It's weird that people lost sympathy for Betty when she finished off Sally's ice cream. I lost sympathy for her when (after trying to make her feel better) she told Henry he just couldn't see how fat she was because his mother is obese. Ugh.
I thought I'd give it a shot since I watched all of season one, even though I was mostly annoyed and uninterested in season one. No surprise I was bored within the first five minutes--so much so that I turned my TV off and read a book. A BOOK. Congratulations, The Killing! You made me read!
"Yosemite Sam was based on my grandfather, so yes, I do have a temper." -Avery's mom
gross - I 'replied' wrong and also someone else made that joke. My bad, monsters.
What if Kate Hudson starts dating Buckethead?
""If I was in The Artist with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class movie and then me saying, "OK, we're going to hear some dialogue now, don't worry." --Mark Wahlberg
The DVD of this movie, which I got as an Xmas present (thanks?) contains a bonus feature which is basically everyone (EVERYONE!) telling you how AMAZING Andy Serkis is. Like, to the point that I suspect his actual gift is Jedi mind-trickery.
A kid in my high school picked up a yard stick or a meter stick maybe, and noticed that the number 72 was across from 18, 73 across from 17, 74 across from 16, etc. This was in 1990. He realized that if one was born in 1972, one would (in 1990) be 18 years old; born in 73, 17 years old, etc. He got so excited and yelled out, "If you tell me what year you were born, I can tell you how old you are!" and went around the classroom testing his stick theory.