Oooh! I love Transmet! I hope it kind of holds up well, since we've kinda invented/on the verge of mass-producing a lot of things that were purely speculative back then.
I'm sure Franco's first thought upon finishing this poem was "Charles Simic, eat your heart out."
I'm wondering who'll get the coveted Topher Grace Half-time achievement award, and then proceed to make an embarrassing speech.
He had me at Doctor Who toys. #nosarcasmo
Also, is it bad of me to think it was in poor taste that, when she's reciting the victims' names, they listed a kid named Jesse before the kid called James?
I misread that bit as> "The smiles on their faces are like an enema".
The wackiest thing is that (apparently) Gerard got offered to be Siberia's Minister of Culture.
The *hard* part was building a robot who will have perfect manners and serve wafer-thin mints.
oops, flanny was faster and funnier. Disregard the previous comment.
You can see Gabe is an old soul, since he didn't simply suggest Zooey take a photo of the recipe on her phone (takes less time than writing it on a piece of paper, plus saves like a rainforest's worth of trees or something).
I heard this is exactly like the stuff that's currently going on in the Middle East.
I think we found someone to replace Roger Ebert and review EVERYTHING.
I kinda imagine these guys gathering at one of their weekly celeb meetups, and the whole scene leading up to the making of this video playing out in the vein of that "LotR" scene: Jon Hamm: "You have my rugged, authoritative good looks." Chris Rock: "And my captivating, optimistic grin!" Will Ferrell: "And my distracting mustache!"
So, someone at CW thought "This 'Arrow'show is too contemporary and interesting. Anyone know a way we can fix that?"