
On the one hand, yes, trrrruhblll... On the other hand, how do you top making "I Need Love" sound like "I'm In It" when it gives us that quote?!?!?! Flawless!
I'm not sure what you consider "actual talent," but Ariana Grande can almost certainly sing better than you can do anything. I don't like what I've heard of her music and I don't care to hear more of it, but I can't help but suspect that your preference for "musicians with actual talent" is one of the most subjective things anyone could ever discuss in public.
I'm confused... How are they hyping something they didn't release which was leaked by someone else? And what about this leak makes a video they shot in the past but didn't release an attempt to be "topical" for that matter? I'm reading the words you typed but I don't think they mean what you seem to think they mean.
Super-fucking-sonic. Though I did have an incredible "everyone in this bar is singing their hearts out" experience to "Don't Look Back In Anger" once...
The "original" shirt is... kinda less aesthetically pleasing than the version featured in the article. And, to be clear, if someone gets to profit from backlash to something you say or do, as long as it isn't illegal, what's the harm in profiting from the thing you said/did? There isn't any harm. If it's inappropriate to make asshole comments to people that pay money to see/hear you perform, isn't it at least as (if not more) inappropriate to talk during the set of/impede the ability of others to enjoy the experience of experiencing you playing music for a living? I love how the knee-jerk reaction to artists not enjoying having a room full of yammerers and cell phone papparazos is to demand that they accept rude, obnoxious behavior as part of the experience. I didn't buy a ticket to stand next to you while you ramble. I didn't buy a ticket to stand behind you while you take shitty pictures with your phone. Those are impediments to the experience, not enhancements.
My guess would be that it's an Adidas commercial so they edited out a few R-rated things that Yeezy may have said that would be "bad for the brand" or just impossible to get on television...
Opinions are great. Overheated rhetoric? Attempts to silence those who are not 100% aligned with one's views. An unwillingness to seek information and differing viewpoints? Well, let's just say those are characteristics that make for less than great opinions.
Or make music and a video that communicates your perspective, incorporating choices that reflect your artistic, political, and sociological visions, perspectives, and experiences without lashing out at people who are more likely aligned with than against you... Oh, shit. There's gotta be a way I could've typed that without making what would seem like an obvious Against Me! pun. Oh, well...
So you've decided that only trans people NEED the message. Got it. And you've decided that because Laura Jane Grace doesn't approve of the message, no trans people approve of the message. Got that too.
Someone is gonna have to explain to me how this video constitutes dictating the course of the transgender cause.
Let me make sure I understand this correctly: You just accused someone of being "extremely biased" toward a particular perspective and having "a vested financial stake" in that perspective in one paragraph and then turned around and noted that this individual publicly said critical things on television months prior. Help me understand it: What is Ms. Addams' incentive to be publicly critical of Jared Leto's performance BEFORE it won an Oscar that also makes it logical to be publicly supportive of his performance after he'd won the Oscar and publicly thanked her for her role in shaping it? And how does being critical of something preclude one from also being complimentary of it?
Sorry Joey... To the extent that there's a monolithic LGBT community speaking with one voice on this or any issue, it is the same community and the same voice that was complaining that President Obama wasn't being pro LGBT enough. How'd that conversation turn out?
Except Kevin Drew is from Ontario, which isn't America, while Yasiin is from Brooklyn, which (technically) is... So unless he renounced his citizenship, this would be more like Win Butler not being able to re-enter the country.
This is one douchebag's perception of hip hop.
His comments about Lorde were just as empty and ignorant as his comments about everything else (besides Drake being whack). Maybe you just don't like her because you just don't like her. I mean, I don't know how many teenagers you've met recently but statements like "She’s really pretentious sounding as well for a just being a teenager" make me think the number is pretty low. "Self-absorbed teenager writes self-absorbed songs about things teens like and do." Thanks, 50s headline writer. Tell us more about the scourge of that demonic rock'n'roll! The production on "Pure Heroine" is fantastic. She does some really interesting things vocally. And her lyrics are either deep or not, relatable or not, but neither that nor the "minimalistic album artwork" has any connection to whether or not the album is "real" in any way. She's not genuine because you don't like her album? She's not genuine because the artwork is minimal? She's not genuine because her generation uses Tumbler? That's a set of insults that doesn't even approach cohering into actual observations or criticism.
What connection do Lana del Rey, Amy Winehouse, and Lorde have to each other musically? And how are their personas in any way similar? I'm not sure what Lana del Rey's persona is supposed to be (goofy-seductive? goofductive?), but Amy Winehouse's seemed to be hard-living old soul repackaging the classics. I'm not sure how to go about aligning either one of those with "17 year old naive expat from New Zealand." I'm also not entirely sure how a 17 year old naive expat from New Zealand would go about faking a persona that is "17 year old naive expat from New Zealand." What is there to not buy? What part of that is an act? She's young. She's probably naive. She's from New Zealand. She makes music about the things that she likes, the things she does with her friends, and the things that she's been through. And all of it sounds like music made by someone who is pretty young. If people are gonna "not buy it" it'll have to be because she stops making good music or people stop liking it. I've got twenty years on her and I love "Pure Heroine" precisely because it seems to capture her perspective in an authentic, naive way that reminds me of authentic, naive 17 year olds I've met and the authentic, naive 17 year old I once was...
Was his statement also not verbatim? Because his statement was pretty terrible too. Maybe if I'd seen him write his statement in person, it wouldn't look as bad?
I think that's a ground rule RBI Double of racism!