
Clearing up the Braveheart issue, this resident Scot says - do not be fooled by the article. It's going to be a historical series on the real William Wallace. Who was real! Probably it will be semi-historical, since it's on STV (not a great channel) but at least that will make it at least a full half more historical than the film. It also has more of an interesting political element that is seeping into TV programming. Namely the independence referendum coming in two years. The BBC for example keeps putting up shows with 'British' this or that in the title. STV pops this crowd-pleaser figure in his own series.
*been. Please excuse my rage-lexia.
At least The Help didn't win anything! *scrambles to re-read list just in case* Nope. But The Iron Lady did. SSSsssSSSSS - me, if I'd be in the audience.
MADMAN. Followed by fierce cackle.
Or Romney. He would have said 'semi-realistic synthetic humanobot 4000 but that's too many words, he's good at calculations in that respect.
Downvote for double post, or downvote because hollywood likes to portray ice cream as a rare, desperation indulgence in highly overused scenes and you are a hollywood writer just putting the finishing touches to a similar scene in your Katherine Heigl movie?
I like the one where it sort of skirts that, but no one really seems to learn anything, except maybe crack is bad, but there's no hint the special white person is going to stop taking it.
I don't know, but I keep getting into fights with the cool kids about it.
Is it the one where they cry and eat like, way too much of a fatty food in one scene, because of said man troubles?
Is it the one where they cry and eat like, way too much of a fatty food in one scene, because of said man troubles?
Vampire's Kiss. He even, like, yells it at one point.
Yeah, I'm sort of worried for this actress - must be kind of hard up to have to take this work, right? Also, dunno if anyone knows of the comedian Stewart Lee, but he just came out with horrendously xenophobic 'satirical' piece on Scotland, and I've been trying to explain to my English friends why exactly some parts of it are not exactly satire. Have a read here
Unexpected Twin Peaks/Twilight crossover?
Okay, everyone, stop judging literature. No, I mean it. That's it, English lit programs, DEFUNDED on grounds of subjectivity and making others feel bad for their choices.
A playlist of vaguely dystopian and or chase/survival films to watch: 1. Battle Royale 2. Old Boy 3. Hausu (just because everyone should watch this, alone or otherwise). 4.Night of the Hunter 5. Brazil
Let's watch Battle Royale and make snarky comments. Snack suggestions from me would include: sour worms. And some kind of booze but not tequila, sorry if that upsets you.
"What have you got to say?" NOTHING. MORE DANCE.
Which class? Was it "3D WOOD FRANCO SCULPTURE" or "James Franco Narrative Play?"
Let's pile cute animals under the tree!
Well, it's huge, but at least there will be plenty to go around. I hope you like booze that has deliberately been taken over the equator in boats to make it taste better.