
Here a day late because of the way life changed directions and i haven't been able to obsessively check in for the last few months. But i will always remember the way you guys let me post my bad fauxtoshoppes and choppy gifs and didn't yell at me. It took me a whole year of lurking the comments before i decided there really weren't any shitty trolls among the monsters. I was convinced it was a mirage. A smart, sexy mirage.
Flanny! At the airport last week (sorry, this is totally off-topic, guys) i saw a ringer for 1997 Jude Law! I was going to snap a picture for you but i was worried about scaring him and airport security and going to that back room. Again. But you should have seen him!
That explains this.
If that's his bike in the foreground, someone should teach that man how to use gears.
Good day, good week. I had hoped i would have more videogumtime this week since i am not at work, but sadly i have been super busy until too late and up and going too early. I did get to see Chicago from a Very Tall Building last night, that was awesome. I hope to come back someday when i can have more time for fun.
It was awesome, we got to do it as a kickstarter reward for backing upgrades to our historic neighborhood cinema. Can you believe Ms Flask didn't want to bowl? When else are you going to get to throw a bowling ball down a theatre aisle without getting arrested!?
holy shit i just pulled a muscle laughing.
What!? Twice this week Linda shows up on my radar?! I just found out we are neighbors(!), but i haven't bumped into her yet. I'll tell her flanny said hi if i see her though. Also, i bowled IN a movie theater last night before watching The Big Lebowski, that was my week in comedy. HippO'Neil (ask your great-grandparents about these jokes, kids) Ape Vigoda
But seriously, the Let's thing has been out of hand for a while now.
it is not quite lunchtime yet here on the west coast so i am weak and my vision is blurry so i thought that said "scones from Gravy" and i thought the extra pants were because you were going to eat SO MUCH GRAVY. Then i dozed off during the 47 Ronin trailer. Those cocaine cronuts i was promised never showed.
ugh. too much cocaine, not enough doughnut.
cocaine doughnuts!
I'm creating a bunch of fake accounts so i can keep upvoting the Jude monster gif.
Thanks for the cocaine, doughnuts, and group monster Jude Law hugs everyone! Sniff, miss you guys. I'm going to try to make the most of this Friday though!