
Rick Warheimer' for president, running with his "little man", president with a vice, Tim Heidecker
glad everybody got pictures to remember this important day
I love it when artists make a living in highly entertaining ways; it's a win/win. I also loves it when Andy Milonakis worms his way into things (Neptr anyone?).
In one of my audio classes the other day we were talking about Faraday Cages as a way of protecting sensitive signals from harmful interference. The powerpoint slide included this ( picture. When that slide came up everybody laughed and the professor called the guy a clown.
What does Tom Hanks even think of his son...
It would be more disconcerting if he wasn't making fun of Daniel Tosh at least a little bit. I mean, he's making a song about how Daniel Tosh is his best friend where Krispy is the cool guy and Daniel Tosh is the dork,
"all great speeches begin with a famous quote and end with an explicitly defined conclusion" -5th grade
This is about 10 miles from where I went to high school/the best days of my life -_-
The liberal protester makes a FAR more convincing Tea Party protester. They literally would have to change nothing about him or his costume.
that old lady behind her speaks afterwards. she's really sweet!
i wish spiderman didn't wear those stupid glasses.
one man pig and one woman pig, as god intended.
This is an honor and a privilege!
Kelly, this isn't really related, but it has to do with clothes I guess. Is your avatar a preview image from Skreened?
your username is pretty gr8.
Also, how everything went so slow! The music! I spent my time with this video not laughing at parts, but just softly and steadily chuckling.
I had a great time watching this video. Around the beginning I was like "Oh, well we all need to start somewhere!" So, I skipped forward halfway into the video to where it was dated a year and a half later. It started out as some beach footage and then, hilariously, the VERY SAME UFO popped out of somewhere around the bottom of the frame and shot the VERY SAME LASER at a .jpg car. It seems like for his 2-3 years of special effects, he literally hasn't improved. He's only changed the backdrop for his tiny animations. I love this guy. I want to meet him and ask him about his special effects.