
It's like she watched those Thurnis Haley videos and was like, "I could do that!"
I see where jamsc is coming from. If you're going to make a proposal off-the-wall crazy (heh), then it should be in a way that really reflects the individuals effort and personality. Unlike the "I've never painted graffiti before and don't plan on it, but I have a lot of money and wouldn't that be a cute way to propose" approach that this guy takes. That being said, it was still a really nice gesture from a guy who will probably have a happy marriage.
yeah, Eric is just the best.
I think you're missing what makes this blog gr8, which is the hilarious exaggeration about EVERYTHING. gabe is like a caricature of a particularly grumpy old man.
Tommy Wiseau is actually responsible for responding to every phone call made to the IRS. "You'll see it in two minutes!"
I think we should double check that one. Computer, can you generate a nude Tayne?
That cat is adorable, my cat loves paper bags too :) sorry for your loss
They cast him as "Carltonow"
"Look, I’m sorry to go on and on about this, but that place has bed bugs" We know >:) -The Cinema Bosses