
Nah Paddy's Dollars will work out I'm sure.
I love how Aziz has clearly seized on Souljah Boy as the perfect fad for his characters -- too old to be cool, not quite dusty yet. He brought it up in that Terry Gross interview too, to quote his blog: I?m very proud to be the only person in the history of NPR to spend a significant amount of interview time talking about Soulja Boy.
It may have been slightly gratuitous, but I know all the people in the room when I was watching laughed out loud when they cut to commercial and a D&B ad came on. Coincidentally, we then went to D&B. (No, but really, never go to D&B)
they blew $14.5 million on the cg pistachio at the end
Anyone have a link that still works? I wanna see Dave flail a little.
i think you guys misinterpreted my post; i wasn't defending him morally in any way. As I said, having sex with kids is bad.
I wouldn't classify myself as pro-child molestation in any way, but this comment thread is a little too one-sided. Obviously what he did was terrible and wrong. But he also was the victim of some very shady dealings by the prosecutor and judge, where they offered him a plea bargain and then pulled it at the last minute. Also, it's worth pointing out that Samantha Geimer, the actual victim, has filed to have the case dismissed. But yeah, still, don't have sex with kids.
ugh. stop whining about gabe whining about jay leno. if you don't like the blog, dont read it and find something better to do.
it's not like that was a video of him acing the SATs. and if you don't find tracy morgan heartwarming no matter what the mental state, you should really attend more werewolf bar mitzvahs.
if ever a show could use an unexplained killer smoke monster...
ceci n'est pas une. . . uh, chair
I like the Hezbollah redesign of his mask...
gary norton's voice sounds "hecka" dubbed in (that is, to say, a lot)
Other Seinfeld possibilities: "Not there's anything wrong with it" "Neuman" "Giddy'up!"
Boooooooo. Kings is worth supporting just because it's the kind of show there needs to be more of on the networks.
Please, no suicide calls...