
Dammit, if only I'd been a little faster
It looks like Michael and George Michael finally made it to Phoenix!
And so started me trolling the streets of New Orleans, looking for Sherlock Holmes.
Grown Ups 2: Star Trek 3
I remember (two years ago today)!
There wasn't much GIF fodder from this video. Mostly it's just weird moving shots reminiscent of the Never Gonna Give You Up video (which, for a little while, made me think that this was a really complicated lead up to a Rick Roll, but I think I'm over reacting). So I made a GIF of KK "dancing" and Money Maker Mike scratching his face.
I don't know, if she saw his stacks I bet you that she'd call.
A new Krispy Kreme joint dropped!
Kurosawa ripped off George Lucas.
Now let's make a live action version of this:
Those tattoos in the trailer really are not the worst tattoos. I mean, they're shitty/misspelled, sure, but they're easily hidden and done by people who aren't absolutely horrible tattoo artists. Surely we all know ('cause I know, like, 5 people) someone who had a friend give them a peace sign or pot leaf tattoo with a guitar string and a vial of India Ink in the 8th grade.
Fuck that kid who built an arcade out of boxes, how do we pay for this kid to go to college?
I'm starting to feel super self conscious about how many times I've watched this video today. This young man is a veritable .gif farm. FUCK YEAH! Everybody gets scared when [he] front flip[s]! Ad infinitum.
"This is my weight bench that I awkwardly hang from. I've taught myself everything I know about working out."
It is difficult to convey the rush of excitement I felt when I saw this come up in my Google Reader.
It would seem that he's been doing this for as long as I've been alive?
So this is obviously a very bad song/video, but was anyone else impressed that it wasn't much worse?
This is just viral marketing for the new Heroes reboot, yes? Yes.
So this is the best picture of Nick Offerman.
It's kinda sad to think that they'll never make back the sixty dollars it cost to make that commercial.
Shit really? Well, one down!
I wonder if anyone even has to pitch movies anymore, or if there's just a tattered list somewhere of old fairy tales and recent(ish) movies to be sequelized. Lemme call it, in the next five years there will be live action remakes of Little Red Riding Hood, Aladdin, and fantastical re-imagining of Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.
This looks like LITERALLY the worst movie I've ever seen.
"And the Lord said: Nay, I will not kiss my mother, for that is gross." -Matthew 5:14
Maybe I'M the one with issues, but I couldn't bring myself to watch more than 5 seconds of that video. I don't see how anyone involved in that could have said "No, this is not a horrible idea with years of implications for my children and family." Jesus Christ.
They do in this, an infinitely better video of him dancing to Footloose.
If I had more time in my life, I would edit out the music and replace it with awkward background mall noise. Maybe some day....
We all know what you think, Gabe.
It would be so great if there was a guy who looks like Justin Bieber who just follows his tours around so he can boff girls in bathrooms. A Justin Fibber.
I'm already so excited about next year's installment in the franchise!
The ultimate insult: this picture was taken with a BENQ DC C1230, not a Nikon.
This coming from the guy who has a NASA tattoo.
I wonder at what point in tattooing does the tattoo artist just stop trying to talk people out of shit like this.
What I wouldn't give to be Anderson Cooper's phone.
Highschooler or not, how can you be a Grill Master if you're cooking on a flat top? That's not a grill.
He made his triumphant getaway on Pokey.
Oh, wait, shit, you guys! I made it into the Monster's Ball. Time to pull out this number.