
I was already scrolling down from UFO when JCVD showed up, so that was exciting. Best part of all this is clearly... Tormented Brody: "It can't be locusts." Subtitle: "It can't be fucking locusts."
I gotta admit, when Gwen left Downton to become a secretary, I was happy for her! But obviously I do not understand women's rights or history or whatever, because I thought 'secretary' meant 'person who types a lot and maybe answers phones,' not 'wildling who can seduce Jon Snow through three layers of fur.'
This conversation has obviously passed its best before date, but... thank you, K&C, for coming to my web defense. As you point out, my sole reason for disliking Psych is how its filming often caused me great personal inconvenience. This is a constant problem in the Gastown neighbourhood of Vancouver, and also means I will never watch Fringe. Or Mission Impossible 4. Maybe 3. Whatever the most recent one was. It's also why I won't watch films or shows with Joshua Jackson in them, since I once had to wait while he took what was OBVIOUSLY MORE THAN SEVEN ITEMS through the Express check-out lane at the local purveyor of sundries. The defense rests, in Canadian spelling.
Sorry, the double reference there was a bit misleading. Big 'phew' to hear about the white flag on Ray Wise, though. I've never watched Psych, mostly because it used to constantly be filming in my building and I got sick of its craft service trucks hogging all the street parking. Nonetheless, I'm glad he's cleaned up his act. Of course, he's lulled us into a false sense of security before! And we've already had it confirmed that someone is going to throw Pete Campbell out of a window...
No mention of how Alex Mack's dad is Leland Palmer? He's probably (definitely) going to kill every female character on the show? Firestone, walk with me.
You'd think, if knew you were about to record the hardest track in history, you'd wait for a day where you didn't have a cold.
Stopped reading 'real political debate' comment after 'it's mandate.' Don't bring swords to gunfights, especially when those gunfights are for some reason being staged in the Monster's Ballroom.
The FP? Has the FP already been discussed somewhere? Because, if not, I feel like it is the only thing that should be discussed. It should also be re-titled 'BEST PICTURE WINNER.'
Mogway? Don't feed that thing after midnight.
For being an ignorant bunch of monsters, it's incredible how many Professors and Nobel Prize winners we have among us.
HTML whoops. I meant to say I heart your new avatar.
Norm MacDonald is exempt from the rules that govern cursing.
On one hand, I hope Gabe isn't bluffing when he says he'll vanquish you if you continue. On the other hand, I can't help but appreciate how you're switching it up.
Can this get a 'gas face' tag? We need more of those.
.... maybe? I swear it wasn't you, it was me. Me growing breasts, I mean. They allowed me to make so many new mistakes. And I did. Oh, I did.
Once you can't fall back into love, Cake. But we'll always have 'Iz you rilly a squirrel?'
I feel so betrayed by Da Cake Eatur. It's like when you start high school and discover that your best friend from middle school is actually a loser.
She's the Man on Fire