
Joan has commented on how handsome Don is before. She did in the very first season actually. People comment about how attractive Don and Joan are all the time. And it's not just something we're "told" and not shown. They've show Don's charisma in pretty much every episode, depressed, divorced Don episodes not included.
I am American and I have opened a beer bottle with my teeth in the past.
Yeah, it's not Stockton.
Agree with that entirely. Tres Hermanas isn't that great. My one sticking point of the article. Mexican food is no joke.
Seriously, CALM DOWN. And also, no more lists, about anything. I come here to screw around a little bit between classes. That's really all this blog should provide.
Just trying to elaborate.
I've always wondered what it would be like to be non-metaphorically tornadoed into a chain link fence. To be twistered basically.
Dave Eggers has some Henry Miller in his early stuff. He's also really honest. His nonfiction is very very compassionate. And yeah, he can be funny without being flippant.
I'm just really a fan of the name David. That's why Freedom sucked imo.
"Think you're a rap star/ but I drink more than you" is my new favorite lyric ever. I'm probably going to say it about fifteen times to day to completely blank stares.
I feel like this is the kind of post we would all get mad at Gabe for.
Whoops, that's your website CBS Atlanta:
So we're just going to gloss over the fact that this is totally ghost RAPE. Atticus Finch: "Ghost rape is a capital offense in the state of Alabama." Ghost rapists: "I'm already a ghost you idiot."
Slapping on a link and a couple sentences is hardly a post. Calm down everybody. Videogum doesn't have to be your moral compass.
I agree with you pretty much 100% DS3M. Voice of reason here.
Did you guys ever notice that videogum is only two letters away from Bidengum, because my incredibly clumsy fingers just did.
Can I just say, that I am a nerd. And like all nerds I have a variety of very focused interests, so I've been in a few web communities. And every single one of them think "there is no other place on the internet where people are this inteligent and level headed and funny."