
I haven't been commenting on VG as much in the last 8-10 months as I have over the years, but as someone who has been a regular visitors since basically the beginning in 2008, I just wanted to say "thanks for everything," Gabe. No jokes or anything, just thanks. Best of luck in the future, looking forward to your next endeavor.
Nobody puts baby in a corner.
"I've got 99 problems and they're the 99 voice mails Bob De Niro left me."
Not to go off-topic (I'm going off-topic), but the WORLD WAR Z TRAILER HAS BEEN RELEASED!
Not to be confused with "Your Hole" which airs on a very different type of "adult" swim. Or so I've heard. (Sorry)
We did it! We stopped #KONY! Wait, am I on the right blog?
In Bruges: Murderers murder... in Bruges.
Um, am I the only one who through The League was pretty good last night? "Hai, bro" really made me giggle.
I feel like this hasn't been brought up enough, but Armie Hammer's name. Armie. Hammer.
Looper? I hardly know her! And with that I'm done.
I shudder to think what the downward facing Wookie looks like...
Ugh, this is worse than that one time William C. deMille hosted.
Or is it Bill Baxton? I never know.
You guys DO realize that he didn't sing this song? It's a supercut, you guys!
:( R.I.P. Lane. Good night sweet prince, you're in heaven now; embezzling with the angels to pay for your lorry taxes.
More like CROOKies, amirite, you guys? Guys? Okay, I'll leave.