
Oh man, yes. We have a statue of a raccoon (tanuki) in our front yard and its name is now officially Little King Trash Mouth. I love him a million times more than I did before last Sunday.
When Chang backwalked by with the extra long churro in his mouth, those watching the episode in my house stood up and cheered like Mission Control after hearing Jim Lovell's voice when Apollo 13 came back down to earth. There were tears and there was rewinding. Also, what is the 2014 word for "rewinding"?
Fluffy the Vampire Sweater
Breaking Bad-dum-bum tish *jazz hands*
Showing real courage, she ran 1.2 meters. Everyone is a winner. Press space to restart.
The Womb ("you are bearing me a son, Lisa!"*) *Gabe, I hope your mom's name is Lisa
In humble reply:
I feel like if Tom Haverford and Duke Silver had a very attractive baby, it'd be Gabe.
Thanks so much. She was seriously the coolest cat. Played tag and fetch and slept outside my daughter's door to guard her at night. Thought she'd fit in well among all the other rad looking baby creatures. This is my cat. She died last night and I figured putting her here would be as honorable of a memorial as I could get. She enjoyed bags and Topher Grace.
Anglers and Demonfish
Joe vs. the Volcanmole
I saw a pack of Sarah Palins take over and successfully run a Wendy's!
Is this the one where Marcel gets kicked off?
Brilliant, Gabe. Soon, Randy and Evi will fill a shopping cart with their meager belongings and set off along the road, heavy with ash in the fading gunmetal light.
"Alright, Daryl," Daryl said to himself, "This is the big time. You've got a super-professional postcard from that awesome photo shoot you had right after eating cherry popsicles. You can do this! Okay, let's write are earnest! And...well, you don't have room to write 'and'...let's just use one of those ampersands. Here we go...down, around and...oh no, that looks like a heart. Daryl, that's a HEART! Damn you, Daryl! You've ruined everything! This is your only postcard! Screw it, let's just distract them by saying you're a rapist." Aaaand scene.
That whole clip was actually taken word for word from my last family Thanksgiving.