
Well, at least it's not a Tidal exclusive.
The world figured out the only possible way to fuck up a music video with a pedigree like this by putting it on Tidal.
Everything about this makes me so happy and I don't know why. I'm frightened of this thing that I've become.
I love how all the shots of his faces are in the wrong aspect ratio, making him look like a Conehead instead of a pudgy man in a sad clown makeup.
I'm not a fan of either of them, but this makes me so happy.
Coincidentally, a 1984 demo version of Drive just appeared on Spotify, and it's the best song I've heard this year.
I imagine this being the Harlem Shake of 1959.
Thanks. I was a Videogum (RIP) regular, but I'm back baby.
I see The Lana Del Rey Song Title Generator was switched to overkill.
I saw John Dies At The End and it was really fun/weird/good so I made a gif of this scene where a doorknob turns into a penis.
Don't want to be Poopy McPoopFace about this, but the lovely people of Everything is Terrible did a much better seven minute montage, actually called Defenestration The Movie. Apparently there's a 30 minute version they play at live shows as well.
In a fair world Pedro Almodóvar would see this and cast him in his next film called Almodóvar/AlmoDÓvar
Somewhere right now Joss Whedon has the weirdest boner.
I imagine all suitcases being golden brown, texture like sun.
I imagined it being a closed suitcase, YOU AWFUL RACIST!
Based on her abilities in Battleship, the only role Rihanna would be capable of playing in the new Scarface is a suitcase of cocaine.
Kudos for including College. I remember listening to it for the first time without knowing what it is, checked out the song title and even said it out loud that it makes so much sense.
I'd like to say only four words about that Life of Pi trailer. WHAT. DREAMS. MAY. COME.
Insanely hot? He had chunks of grease for hair and pubes for a beard.