
Ugh, I'm such a loser. I saw this tweet and actually answered earnestly. I'm not cut out for my generation.
she must have fantastic bone density.
more gabe think-pieces please
I guess I don't know what, "Even though Argentina is basically the whitest possible Latin American country," even means? Am I the only one?
Oh sure, you apologize for the gratuitous use of pussy possee (sorry, gross) but not for using the word, "moist?" Messed up.
they really have a corner on the market of all the cool fetishes don't they.
I didn't think I could like this blog any more and then you go ahead and link the SNEETCHES!? Brilliant. My little sister had (has) a deformed belly button from a birth defect and my dad would read this to her (and us) to make her feel better and called her his Star-Belly Sneetch. Thanks for the reminder.
How can you choose anything other than Life on Mars?
I'm bad at this but would like everyone to keep up the good work, cause i enjoy reading them!
I guess I find this comment funny but also kinda nails the problem with our country's political discourse ACROSS both parties... republicans were (and still are) saying this exact same thing about Obama. (Not about the suits; clearly Obama knows how to wear a suit.) Sometimes I think I'm in an epsiode of the Twilight Zone, and it's all a big joke and like Romney is going to win and then pull off his face and really he's Al Gore? Because I really don't see a big difference between any of these candidates anymore. They're just all like big stamp presses--sure one's pressing out little plastic donkeys and the other is pressing out little plastic elephants--but they're just big ol' stamp presses. Anyway, you see that Nic Cage? Man needs a nap.
I'd never scream at Jay Z, but let me tell you that I would scream my lungs out if I saw Katherine Chloe Cahoons strolling down the street.
Ok i'm not judging, but you can totally see his hairline recede.
Not Pictured: Travolta's masseuse and Cruise's actual height.
Yah that's bear-y gross. Yah that's for all those LA monsters at the Largo last night. Yah that's extremely esoteric.
Not to split hairs (but also to split hairs) that's MR. Lifetime to you.
Overheard on S Beverly Dr: Rosie's agents arguing the best strategy to get her the Oscar hosting gig.