
I watched all of season 1 of homeland in a weekend. Yes, i basically sat in the dark for two days, but it was worth it. It's only one season as opposed to multiple seasons like Doctor Who. Though regarding Dcotor Who, you could jump in with a particular doctor. :)
What is a "Choice Twit? "that sounds like an insult...
Did you see how big the International Space Station was? It's huge! As big as a 5 bedroom house with 6 astronauts on it for 6 months at a time. very cool.
It looks to me like many of the other videos NASA and in this case Goddard Space Flight Center make. Maybe I'm missing the joke; that happens sometimes.
I love this. ps. hi monsters, miss you!
Rock N' Rye, 'nough said
I feel slightly sexually assaulted by that Superman costume.
This girl seems so young! She can barely talk! STOP BAITING YOUR CHILD!!!
I'M OKAY!!! My favorite part was when my coworkers and I all stood up in our cubes. We were like wobbly gofers looking around awkwardly to see what the other gofers were doing. I've seen this style of video before...
*disapproving Glee gif*
Exploring space and music? I am your target audience, MTV. How did you lose me so fast?
Holy Moly! That launch was way stressful. Guys, i can't believe it launched. The weather was so unbelievably iffy with changing reports every ten minutes.Then the 31 second stop, Wow! My stomach is still in my throat. I am proud that we have a space program capable of such incredible things. *raises her glass* Here's to even more to come. To the MOON!* *or an asteroid, or a deep space habitat, or mars....
I seriously did. We all gasped. It was a bit chaotic for a second.
Those words are indefensible. But I believe this thread left the post behind a long time ago. FT didn't just say "those words are wrong./mean" he talked a lot more about her, her emails and her broader reception in society.
I wasn't worried about Paris Hilton running for president. Or affecting congressional elections.
FLW, i don't think any of us are advocating such violent language. If Gabe's post was so vicious I think we'd all step up and call him out. I do not believe that I in an attempt to disagree with Palin that I have lowered myself to her level. Some people may, but you made a blanket statement that i think does not apply to many people who dislike Palin. Just because you are right about some people, doesn't make my criticism of her any less valid and any less worth expressing. Your over simplification is concise and it certainly resonates upon first reading, but ultimately it does not stand up to deeper consideration.
Are you advocating kindness? or are you advocating that the hate gets spread around a bit. I'm not sure if its the latter that you have any moral highground.
She's seeking power and influence. She chose her bus tour. I certainly didn't.