
Why does she want to show everyone her tits? It must take her like half an hour to get out of all that yarn.
when i was a kid, we called people who did this "mimes".
did anyone else have way too much trouble distinguishing between who was lil and who was iii?
I wish these sensitive children the best. Their parents are jerks.
If only it were a taco bell cup...
I haven't logged in since the site redesign (from like 12 years ago) made it confusing. I reactivated my account just to say that this is the best thing I have ever seen. I thought it couldn't get any better, and then he started breaking it down at the end. Classic Wednesday dance indeed.
I see those Californian Americans for Freedom use the term "Young" very loosely.
is you relly a sqwerl?
In all honesty, bread stains are terrible to get out.
Your wish, madam mouse (sir mouse?), is my command.
You call that a situation? I've got like three situations right here.
It looks more like he sat on a clown for breakfast.
Do these come in size Decision That I As An Adult Male Will Clearly Never Regret?
KStew must've put on some weight. In that first pic RPatz looks smooshed.
I thought Michael Cera was openly a jerk. I voted for him anyway.
MTV: Youtube without that pesky clicking
Pitbull without his Claws
I was thinking the same thing. But the no pants Careerbuilder was killer.
Is that Brandon Fraser in the backseat with Conan? Or Tom Hanks? So confused.
u???? dn ?p?s ????? ?u??u???o? ????u ?? ?
This is the best set of tags ever. There will never be a better one. Game over.
I love the guy in the background with the carriage. He stops, calmly stares at the child, and slowly turns around thinking "maybe I shouldn't've had a kid."
You know, I couldn't bring myself to go through all the pictures until after the Rip Torn YCMIU, but now I understand what all this Chamomile fuss is about. (S)he has people eyes!
"Richard Alpert takes him into a dark cave and steals his innocence." That sounds surprisingly like the dream I had last night
I did not expect to love this site nearly as much as I do. The interworld is full of surprises. And, apparently, pictures of Tom Selleck.
I hadn't heard of this show and had to look it up. I enjoyed this picture under their "Surprise Pregnancy: How Could You Not Know?!?" section. Photobucket Clearly she is too angry to be pregnant.
I do not understand why no one can ever find homosexuals to portray homosexuals.
werewolf? there wolf. (get it? "a lot of muscles and no shirts"? *shoots self in head*)
I am so confused about the F'n Hot Sauce (TM). I just picture myself there, craving some F'n Hot Sauce (TM) and assorted citrus condiments, without any way of getting them INTO MAH BELLEH. Poorly thought out, F'n Hot. Much like your name.
What if gummers went and ... didn't laugh?