
Duh Aficionado Magazine: Kids are dead
Yeah, but to be fair, the lawyer asked "Was that you in the video we just watched"... I mean, I'd get bored if I was being asked such stupid questions.
I prefer Andy Cap's Hot Fries, but I can't find any kids rapping about that.
Yeah, he's self identifying as the target of the other song.
I'm going to pick up smoking again.
The story of Battle Royale would really benefit from removing all the brutality, and injecting some hot 24 year olds to play teens.
"He looked down at his swollen belly and pondered what deity could have allowed this aboration from proper genetics" - Werner Herzog "Preggo Man"
"When he finished boxing the legos, he realized he had no follow up. No purpose for having accomplished the task. It was then he was filled with a deep sense of regret and purposelesness." - Werner Herzog "Legoman"
"Imogen Poots... I bet she does" - 7 year old me
Watching this video, all I could think was that this baby was going to grow up and get really fat.
Madea goes to find a spaceship at the end of the universe, but it turns out the spaceship is a portal to Hell.
Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, it's birthday time?
It seems like a lot of Twitter eulogizing is just an attempt to "first" everyone else in revealing the bad news.
Those commercials are great, and so is Bill Clinton. Can we vote for him again once Obama's done?
Is this a outtake from Modern Family? Where's Mitchell?
Shit. I'm almost done with my doctorate in Gene recombination, and NOW I find out that science is a GIRL thing? Back to fireman school I guess.
I don't believe this study. I've been getting happier every single year... Ever since I became a Pokemon Master.
It's weird how everyone in Russia speaks English with a British accent. I always thought they'd speak Russian.