
This should have been called "Taken 2: Istanbul", so that we know where his wife was taken 2.
It's Sim City come to life. Finally I can die.
I've been working from home for the last 6 months, and increasingly I feel like the duck in this video when my wife comes home. Like, I haven't had enough contact with other animals, and so I chase them around just to make sure they don't abandon me.
The sermon on the mount was given on top of a pile of corpses, right?
Pitch Perfect made me get chills with how embarrassed I was for everyone who acted in it.
I like the idea of combining drinking with the overwhelming feeling of claustrophobia this bar induced in me.
Shattered vs. cracked: The age old dilemma.
I want to get high too, but I just call Carl Chambers BBQ and they deliver my weed... I don't sing any songs about it.
I'm glad I didn't see this last year, right before I went skydiving. I guess I'll probably never go again.
Somebody pitched all these ideas in one three minute cocaine tirade. "Steal Sherlock from the BBC instead of licensing it here, make Watson an asian lady. Next, Gay Guy/Straight Guy. Next, Sopranos meets Mad Men. Next, My Cousin Vinnie the show, but only with the Marisa Tomei character. Somebody call the hospital, I think my heart stopped"
That doesn't look scary at all. But it definitely looks pukey. I would definitely puke.
I don't know what the fuss is. Don't you have all your in-person conversations with them sitting on your lap, buzzing in your ear?
Wait, so where IS the picture of Zooey's asshole with no makeup on?
But on the real real, that is the right way to pop a bra clasp, so he must be doing something right.
What is a Casey Neistat? How do I get a shoe to pay for my vacation? So many questions.
There are going to be so many face plants, unless the Googles have a heads up about walking into shit.
"The hot sex with Paul was edited out for length." That's what he said.
It rhymed. I couldn't help it.
More like Snooze Room, right?
I'm super excited to see this movie. I will keep my fingers crossed until it comes out, whjich iksn wjhyr k,y typjgn iksnn bafd,
Apparently drinking baby's blood really does pay off.
*Krasdale's note: This was supposed to be in reply to a thread between Southernbitch and Mr. Plainview, but something went HORRIBLY wrong.
I worked in a munitions factory during world war II, but my experience was much more like the Hunger Games.
I like this story very much.
What's been bothering me about this series is that T-Dawg is clearly a name someone else calls you. Like, it's a nickname. When all of your friends, and neighbors and what not are dead, wouldn't you stop going by T-Dawg? And also, let's say out of force of habit you introduced yourself to a bunch of people who would never call you T-Dawg without being asked, wouldn't you later on say "You know what guys, my name is actually Terry. Just call me Terry"?
I thumbed up jayhawk because "ROCK CHALK"!
In a country where babies actually do get shot, should we really be glorifying videos pretending to shoot babies? Shouldn't we be focusing on something more important, like a Kardashian?
That's no optical illusion, that's WITCHCRAFT.
I wouldn't worry, when this kid turns 13 or 14 he'll be big enough to get out.
Is her name story? I don't care for that name.
That was a difficult stool. SFX "Rimshot"
Too big to fail.
I thought Gabe was calling a moratorium on joke rap, and then here he is, endorsing Karmin.
I can't believe how many people immediately resorted to violence... oh wait, yes I can.
Heathers was good; God Bless America looks sort of like that.
Hey, remember when he was in Cabin Boy? That was a movie.